X: Turning Points

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X: Turning Points

Third POV

By the time Izuku's lovely green eyes opened, it was already late evening.

His poor cranium was still on fire, but he was still so grateful to wake up again and not be in the process of a burial.

Gradually he'd adjusted his composure and sat upright, before acknowledging he wasn't in the carriage or the edge of stream.

He was sitting in a rather well off red tent-like canopy with its own candles and slightly thick bedspread. There was a miniature table with writing materials and a compass, while to one of the tent poles held some clothing.

There was no doubt that this was Katsuki's current tent, it was far too lavish for it not to be.

He unhurriedly looked around before his eyes halted at the entrance of the canopy where he slowly tipped forward, looking outwards to see everyone enjoying their dinner.

If his head didn't feel shitty or the rising emotion of mortification for being attacked so easily he would've gone out to them.

But instead, he tugged at the blanket, laying back down and starting up at the ridges of the canopy.

Only laying there for a good 10 minutes before the curtains of the canopy opened up from the outside, entering Katsuki who held his sword.

Izuku squinted, feeling a bit uneased at the sight of what looked to be blood.

"So, you're finally awake." Katsuki spoke, without actually taking a glance at his servant who laid on his comforter, "How's your head?"

"I've felt better..." Izuku answered, though his voice was lower than a mere whisper, "What happened after you know.?"

As he gestured to the fact that he wasn't in the clothes he was in before, he was only wearing Katsuki's cloak and his underwear.

Katsuki examined at Izuku's half-covered body before turning back to his sword, swathing it and cleaning it with a slightly damp cloth.

"Your clothing became dirty from the ground, and during the fight to free you from those scumbags of the Theroix kingdom blood-splattered so I stripped you and had it cleaned."

His head registered over to the opposite pole where his shoes and his clothes were hanging.

"Oh... Thank you for that." Izuku bowed, "and for rescuing me." as he slowly began to rise from his laying position, only to feel his knees become unstable and his balance coming undone.

The next thing he knew he heard Katsuki's sword drop onto the to floor with a clank and strong arms wrap around his warm and weak body, listening to a scoff.

"You're dehydrated and have a mild concussion," Katsuki started, "I don't think you trying to move around after just waking up is smart."

His tone... It almost sounded concerned for Izuku's wellbeing.

Eventually, being let down onto the makeshift bed, Katsuki placed Izuku back down and picked up the boy's clothing before carefully handing them over to him.

Shyly getting dressed, Katsuki only stared at the bandages wrapped around the boy's head feeling a flame ignite within himself.

"You need to be more fucking careful whenever you leave the the main area of Xynia; otherwise you'll really be killed." Katsuki harshly commented, his eyes striking against Izuku's doe ones.

"I-I know and I'm sorry for making you come to my aid..." Izuku bowed his head, feeling tears well up in his eyes, he hated the idea of him being the troublesome for others.

He then felt Katsuki's hands grab onto his shoulders, pinning his arms to his side, before the man tilted forward so their faces would be inches away.

"I'm serious," Katsuki expressed with a lingering emotion in his voice, " You wouldn't even begin to imagine the level of anxiety that shot through me when you screamed or when I found you passed out on the ground."

Izuku seriously couldn't tell if Katsuki was playing with him or not.

On one hand, Katsuki had been so cold to him and he was never obligated to be nice to him, yet on the other hand, if he didn't care about Izuku he should've just remained where he was, or not even bother to put Izuku in his tent.

It couldn't have hurt though right? To give the prince the benefit of the doubt.

Twiddling with the white fur on the hood of the cloak, Izuku slowly nodded.

The fact that he didn't say anything else kinda felt off-putting for Katsuki, releasing his grasp on the serving boy before letting a silent 'shit' fall from his mouth.

"I'm going to get you something to eat, hold on."

As he then got up and exited the canopy tent, leaving Izuku to his thoughts for a little while.

For once, Katsuki was angry but in a caring way towards Izuku. And honestly, Izuku wasn't sure if Katsuki's current mood would be something he'd get used to.

When the man returned, Izuku ate the travel food in silence, while Katsuki proceeded to clean off his sword before returning it to its well-made Xynia-insignia sheath.

He placed it by his bedside before he began to undress, just until he was left in his underwear before slipping underneath the blanket.

Swallowing the water brought to him, Izuku placed the stuff aside and laid down again, feeling the blanket on him shift to cover Katsuki as well.


We're they sleeping together?

His brows furrowed, listening to Katsuki speak again.

"I'm not planning on doing anything." He uttered his eyelids lowering, "It's late and I have to wake up early to get ready to continue the journey."

He then reached over, gently smoothing out Izuku's curls that only retracted back to their natural pattern.

"Besides if I wanted to do something to you, I would've done it when you were already knocked our, now get some rest." he finished, before flipping to the opposite side.

Katsuki hated himself for feeling like a suck up towards Izuku.

Allowing the boy to sleep in his area instead of the other set up tents where the knights were or even turning over to ensure the boy's comfort.

He couldn't stand those pesky bubbling emotions.

Izuku didn't even feel the same way so why would should he act like this?

His eyes closed, only to open back up when he felt Izuku's somewhat coarse hand fall onto his abdomen, unintentionally pulling him into a spooning position.

"Thank you, My Prince." Izuku whispered, as he pressed his body up against Katsuki who didn't exactly refuse it.

And that was it. Their night had concluded.

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