II: New Servant

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II: New Servant

Third POV

That evening, Toshinori came home to Izuku with relatively good news. Then again, Toshinori's idea of good news was almost a heart stopper for Izuku; and not in the best way possible.

Izuku had just finished dinner, a well spread platter for them was grilled fish, vegetables and a staple of rice.

Sitting at the small dining table, Izuku felt himself choke as Toshinori told him the news, "Well I reviewed it over with the king and queen, and they'd said they'd be delighted to have you as Prince Katsuki's newest servant."

Swallowing a large gulp of chilled water, Izuku blinked once then twice, "T-that's wonderful!" His thumbs twiddling in anxiousness, "So I'm assuming they want to see me?"

Toshinori shrugged, taking a bit of fish, "Yes, but they expect you to start work immediately."

"How soon?" Izuku raised his brows, feeling his heart drop down to his kidneys as Toshinori said 'Tomorrow.'

"I begin working for him, tomorrow?" Izuku repeated to ensure he wasn't hearing things, watching Toshinori nod sternly.

He made a face, listening to his stepfather sigh,

"I know you've heard the rumors, but I promise you he isn't so bad." Toshinori encouraged, a warming smile on his face, "Besides he's always off hunting, or acting as a diplomat for his parents, so you'll barely see him around, all his other servants rarely did."

Izuku shrugged his shoulders, picking up his empty dish and placing it over to the sink.

"Well if I have an early work, I might as well prepare for it." Izuku groaned, clearing the up the rest of the table, "Go on ahead to bed, I've got this."

Toshinori got up and brushed Izuku's soft locks before turning the corner and to his bedroom.

As Izuku washed the dishes, he couldn't help but feel worried about tomorrow. He was expected to start immediately in the morning and according to the very vague job description, he would leave as early as he arrived.

Not to mention the very idea that sometimes he'd be staying into the connecting ante room for the Prince in case he needed anything.

Though he supposed he should just suck it up and go along with it.

After all, He'd never seen Toshinori look so happy at the idea of both of them working as a royal position (even if one was significantly higher than the other), besides it also meant that they'd be moving into the castle.

Izuku's felt his face warm up, drying his hands and heading to his bedroom.

A place he'd slept in for majority of his life, really.

"Tomorrow is a new day." Izuku whispered under his breath, slipping underneath the covers and making himself comfortable.

. . . Next Dawn. . .

Izuku woke up much earlier than normal due to someone tapping him.

As his eyes adjusted to the flickering candlelight only a few feet away from his face, he looked up to see Toshinori.

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