XV: Head on Home

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XV: Head On Home

Third POV

"Goodbye Midoriya, Prince Bakugo." Prince Todoroki waved in his proper royal attire, a rather enthusiastic smile on his face.

Izuku nodded back for both him and Katsuki as the blond was still ensuring the stuff was being placed away properly; a rather pleased look on his freckled face as he watched Todoroki and Sero look at each other in a different way.

"Izuku, let's go."Katsuki's voice rang out to the maid, as Izuku waved to Sero once more, whispering to the both of them that he had nothing but good wishes for them.

After sending good wishes to the Royal Avania family and Sero, the entourage and the Prince himself were now headed back to the Kingdom of Xynia.

Izuku on the other hand was pleased to know, that Sero and Todoroki were slowly building on their relationship.

Of course secretly.

The carriage ride began in the early morning, and Izuku could only begin to wonder how much stamina this man had.

6:00 AM and Izuku was being pinned to the gemstone tufted velvet seats; Katsuki's hands feeling up the boy, gently tugging at the skinny spaghetti straps that held up the boy's outfit.

"Katsuki, w-we'll get caught~!" Izuku softly whimpered hoping to not attract the attention of the accompanying riders, yet his pleading was quite weak.

Katsuki hummed, taking the boy's hands as he placed more and more kisses on Izuku, feeling rather content with himself that he could hold onto the boy like this without a fuss being made.

Suddenly the carriage stopped, jerking both of them forward.

"Sire, you need to see this!" Kaminari's voice suddenly rang with urgency, the sound of footsteps instantly making both of the carriage riders jump off of each other.

Quickly opening the door and telling Izuku to stay inside as he, Kaminari, and Kirishima investigate what was going on.

As the door closed a gust of wind entered the carriage, making Izuku's nose twitch at a rather foul scent.

It smelt like a forest but also the scent of something burnt that shouldn't have been...

Like flesh.

When Izuku was roughly old enough, Toshinori used to tell him about his experiences as a front-line general and all the sights and forms of tortures he'd witnessed.

One thing Toshinori would never seem to get over would be the stench of death.

And now Izuku was smelling it too. He could hear Katsuki telling the knights behind them to cover for them, increasing his curiosity.

He gently opened the door, to get a better look, seeing something brown and stick-like. He peered in closer when he realized that it was actually a charred human hand.

What a poor soul...

He carefully got out and took his place beside Katsuki, taking a full view of the person.

Alongside the person was a horse usually given out to the people that resided in the lower class towns as a starter in the kingdom.

The poor animal had its neck gruesomely slashed and one of its hooves was severely twisted by what looked to be like a snare trap meant to capture regular woodland creatures.

Katsuki turned to the direction the carriage had been coming from, realizing the person was coming from the same location, only southeast.

"That further down that way would've been the other province of Xynia ruled by the Utsushimis." Kaminari pointed out.

Kirishima squatted, picking up a burnt messenger bag and rummaging through its content.

Nothing really of value besides a compass and a burnt-up piece of paper with whoever it was addressed to being so faint it was almost useless to try and identify.

"Well, whoever did this clearly needed something from this person." Katsuki spoke up, his gaze turning over to Izuku who merely clasped his hands together and began to send good wishes to whoever had to suffer a fate such as this. "Either way, both kingdoms need to be informed of this so sentries can keep an eye out on this part of the border."

With a wave of his hand, one of the other knights brought over a shovel, as Izuku watched the three head knights perform almost what looked to be a burial for the fallen person.

Izuku didn't know how other kingdoms did it, but in Xynia they'd take the time to show just an ounce of respect to the untimely deceased.

Making a small rock shrine to commemorate the grave, they loaded back up and began to move again.

Sitting on opposite sides, Izuku took small glimpses at the prince who stared at the burnt piece of paper, a deep look of thought on his expression.

"Are you okay..?" Izuku suddenly whispered, making Katsuki look at him, "I mean you just saw a randomly charred body..."

"I'm fine; I had to be accustomed to sights like that at a young age so I can handle it," Katsuki responded, "I'm just curious as to who this was being addressed to and who went to such lengths to silence him."

Seeing as how Toshinori had his own gruesome stories to tell, it only makes sense for Katsuki to hear and be accustomed to them too.

Izuku looked out the carriage opening, seeing nothing but open woodlands for the next few miles to come. He supposed it was still early, so he figured he should get in some more sleep.

He laid back down, closing his eyes for a moment or two before he felt one of the stored blankets get draped over his body.

Katsuki gently kissed his temple, taking a seat beside the boy and stroking his fluffy green locks.

They were headed on back home, and now that their feelings were more or less revealed to one another, they'd find themselves blissfully unaware of any looking danger that lurked for them.

While some couldn't care less about their now blooming relationship, others wouldn't have been very pleased with the idea of a high-born prince and a low-ranking maid coming together.

Though those issues would have to be sorted out within the next month or so.

This concludes Book I of the "Royalty Era" series, however, chapter I of the second book, 'Imperial Consort Izuku' has been posted. Enjoy!

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