IX: Someone To Save

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IX: Someone To Save

Third POV

Well, It appeared Izuku had finally made it a week in.

Well actually, more than a week as the end of today would've marked the third week before they'd finally enter the wonderful summer month of July.

While Izuku and Katsuki might not have noticed it, the people surrounding them had noticed the changes between the two.

While Katsuki's insults had lighten up to the point where it was just 'playful' banter between the two; Izuku seemed to be more open yet flustered around the man.

Surely it was nothing.


. . .

"Good Morning, My Prince." Izuku greeted, opening up the curtains, "Today you need to-," He stopped speaking, taking notice of the fact that Katsuki wasn't in his bed.

He inspected the area, only to realize the man wasn't in his bedroom at all; instead of the typically cynical prince he found a folded piece of paper in his place.

It read:

"Izu, I've already gotten ready, instead, prepare a bag of the items you need for a two night trip and meet me outside at the stables immediately."

Confused, but Izuku did what the note told him to do , first making Katsuki's bed before he headed back to his room using the staircase; packing up a comb, toothbrush, his night clothing and of course his regular clothing.

He then moved quickly outside through the stables entrance to see Kirishima and Kaminari mounting onto the front two horses, behind them was two honey-blonde shire horses that were connect to a black and gold decorated carriage, and behind them was an additional two guards.

"Oi, Izuku!" Katsuki called out, as he was quite literally running from the castle, jostling himself into the carriage.

As everyone watched the queen herself carrying up her plush, blood-red gown chasing after her son who'd done something to piss her off again.

"Katsuki-!" She yelled, "How dare you you run from your mother!" As she stormed towards him, her demeanor only changing once she spotted Izuku.

"Oh there you are Izuku," She suddenly went calm, immediately disregarding her son's presence, "I suppose if you're going along I have no need to worry about Katsuki maintaining the good image of Xynia, will I?"

Izuku simply nodded and smiled, as she gently patted his head and headed back inside,

"Oh and by the way Izuku, Toshinori wishes you a safe journey." She waved as the boy grinned in excitement, waving off to her as he entered to carriage with Katsuki.

They began to move, as Izuku sat on the opposite seat, merely staring at Katsuki who read a paper.

"So... do you mind me asking where we're going?" Izuku questioned, watching Katsuki's carmine eyes flicker towards him.

"We're headed to the Kingdom of Avania." Katsuki responded, "Seeing as how both Todoroki and I's parents are close to stepping down from the throne, it'd be best to strengthen ourselves and form a real alliance."

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