XII: Rules

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XII: Rules

Third POV

As hoped by both kingdoms, the finalized signing of the peace treaty was well commemorated. Finally after harsh tension between the Avania Kingdom and Xynia Kingdom for over 10 years, issues could finally be put to rest.

Noble folk watched as both princes' dressed in rich fancy garbs and jewelry came together and signed their names in the finest ink quality.

After a toast to a better future, they all dispersed from the council room, and now they were in their spectate chambers.

Just before Izuku was to head to Katsuki's temporary chambers, he somehow managed to bump into Prince Todoroki once again.

"Oh, we really need to stop meeting each other like this." Todoroki commented, helping the boy stable himself.

"Mhm I apologize." Izuku bowed, as he then realized Todoroki was headed for the the knight quarters that were only across the servant quarters, "Were you headed to see Sero..?"

Todoroki shook his head, gently scratching the side of his scar, "Not quite, I was actually looking for you."

"Me..? But why?" Izuku raised his brows, as he felt Todoroki take his hand, "uhm Prince Todoroki..."

"I know this seems extremely impersonal but I have a favor I need you to do regarding Sero." The Prince suddenly blurted out, feeling himself go meeker, "I tried to ask Bakugo if he liked you but he only shut me down and now I'm at a loss of ideas."

Izuku furrowed his brows, kinda unsure why Todoroki would get the idea that him and Prince Katsuki had something going on, but that didn't matter at the moment.

"Seeing as how I don't mean to assume, but you wouldn't happen to have feelings for Sero, right?" Izuku quietly asked, watching Todoroki shrugged.

"I do, I'm just wondering what should do since I don't know how he feels about me." Todoroki answered sheepishly, "Which is why I need your help tomorrow."

"All I need for you to do is ask Sero how he feels so I can know as to whether or not I should make a move or not..."

Izuku gave him a reassuring smile, "I'll do my best."

He watched Todoroki give him a rather heartwarming smile before allowing Izuku to head to Katsuki.

Izuku had only turned the corner when he bumped into yet another person, feeling his body nearly sink in once he'd realized it was Katsuki.

He'd tried to speak but the blond simply dragged him back to his room, slamming the door shut and pining Izuku onto the bed.

"What the actual fuck was that?" He finally spoke, staring into the boy's shaky green eyes, watching Izuku's mouth fall open.

"I made an agreement to help him, that's all." Izuku answered, pushing himself deeper into the bed as Katsuki reached closer,

"Why didn't you deny what Todoroki asked?" Izuku suddenly sparked, "About how you felt about me or what our 'relationship' is?"

Katsuki furrowed his brows, not really sure he was even obligated to answer something like that, "You trying to say that there's something between us?"

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