IV: The 'Future' Queen

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IV: The 'Future' Queen

Third POV

Izuku woke up that morning feeling more drained than ever, but he still got up and prepared like he did yesterday.

This time the Prince really was still sleeping.

Izuku carefully tapped on the man, shifting his weight foot to foot, watching Prince Katsuki groggily lift his head.

"Morning, My Prince, please don't forget you need to to the final assessment of knights in training and head into the lower town to survey their living." Izuku gently bowed his head, twiddling his glove covered his hand.

Despite what happened yesterday, Izuku couldn't deny that this outfit was more comfortable than what he was previously wearing to work.

He tried to ignore the feeling of Katsuki's eyes scanning his body; taking note of how his face lit up once he'd adjusted to the sight of his servant.

"Go prepare my bath, I'm coming." Katsuki ordered, before adjusting his head on his pillow.

"Yes sir." Izuku nodded, walking over to the fancy ivory bathroom, as each step he took, Katsuki displayed great enjoyment in watching the boy's backside as he walked away.

Once the warm water was set and filled the porcelain tub, Katsuki came into the bathroom, majority nude before he kicked the green-haired serving boy out.

By the time Katsuki had left the bathroom, Izuku was just about done steaming Katsuki's outfit for today. He'd made extra sure that each stud and button had been properly burnished for the banquet tonight.

Once Katsuki had eaten, it was now finally time to get dressed.

Handing the clothing piece by piece over the privacy screen until he was done, watching Katsuki emerge finally ready for the day.

He wore black baggy pants that was tucked into white buckle boots; going somewhat shirtless, Katsuki donned a black vest with golden buttons along the arm holes and trim. He'd slipped on black detached sleeves with white stitching before overlaying everything with a black cloak with a thick white fur trim on the hood.

"Well don't just stand there," Katsuki voiced, placing his sword into it's sheath, "Let's head into the lower town."

Izuku paused, "But I thought I was supposed to remain in the-,"

Katsuki gave him a look that made Izuku shut up immediately and speed walk to the doorway.

Heading on out and to the walkway to the stables, Izuku kept his hands to his sides; the view of blond and red hair catching onto his eyes.

"Oh hey, Bakugo." The redhead with spiky teeth named Kirishima waved over with a buzzed look on his face, "And Midoriya, right?"

Izuku gently nodded, as his eyes shifted towards Kaminari who was leading three horses from the stables.

Obviously the blond wasn't exactly expecting Izuku to be here, making a rather uncalled for comment,

"Oh, you're bringing him with us?" Kaminari raised a brow, "I thought he'd be cleaning up your chambers or something more of his standing..."

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