VII: Jaded

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VII: Jaded

Third POV

After they'd all become tuckered out from swimming, they got dried up with the towels and got dressed, heading for home.

The ride was relatively smooth as Izuku felt himself fall asleep on the Prince who didn't even seem to mind because he was too enveloped in a conversation with his friends.

His hands interlocked as they wrapped around Katsuki's torso, gently laying his head onto the prince's toned back.

And Izuku continued to sleep even after they'd arrived, as Katsuki placed Izuku on his back with hopes the boy wouldn't wake up as he carried him to his chambers.

Katsuki said goodbye to Kaminari and Kirishima as they headed down another hall; assuming he was alone until he heard Camie's voice.

"Oh, Katsuki!" She called out, in her riding gear, letting him know she was on her way to leave, "No goodbye before I leave?"

He turned around, adjusting Izuku on his back, taking note of the quick change of emotion Camie had when she noticed the sleeping servant on the man's back.

"Is there something wrong with him?" She questioned a bit loudly, making Katsuki scrunch his nose a bit, "Why can't he just walk himself?"

Katsuki shook his head, knowing a little white lie couldn't hurt, "He passed out on me, and now I'm carrying him to his chambers-; not that it should even concern you."

The vibrations of his neck slightly woke Izuku up, not to the point where the boy would open up his eyes, but just so his ears were more aware.

"Well, I do think it concerns me because last night you told me out of the blue to watch how I talked to him." She stated a bit annoyedly, "I've talked to everyone like that before yet you've never said anything until now."

Izuku thought how interesting this was...

"Yeah well, I've already gotten multiple maids and each one has left because of bad attitudes not to mention it's damaging to my reputation..." Katsuki frowned, "Besides Izuku is my maid, therefore I'll dictate what he has to hear and what he doesn't, and your witty insults aren't needed."

"You're just trying to get under his skin meanwhile he hasn't done anything to you, to both of us really, which is why I'm trying to change and I highly suggest you do too."

And then he turned away, not in the mood to continue going back and forth with her. He felt Izuku's hand twitch as he side-eyed to see if the boy was awake.

Izuku's face remained still and his eyes closed.


Now in Izuku's chambers, he removed the boy's shoes and placed him onto the bed fully before pulling the blanket to cover his body.

Taking one last glance at Izuku, Katsuki finally left.

Turning into the corner, Katsuki bumped into a large and rather sturdy person, looking up to see the royal advisor himself.

"Oh my deepest apologies, Young Katsuki." Toshinori bowed, "I was just about to head to Izuku's room."

Katsuki regained his composure before dismissing the man, "It's okay, and Izuku is asleep, I just placed him there a few minutes ago."

Toshinori raised his brow, "Oh, is something wrong with him? He didn't cause any problems did he?"

"No, nothing like that, he just fell asleep on the ride back here from the spring of Selene." Katsuki answered, "It was no problem anyways."

Toshinori gave him a look, before changing it to a subtle smile, "Alright, I'll see you later in the council meeting."

Katsuki nodded as they both continued on their way.

Once Katsuki was in far enough distance, Toshinori entered Izuku's chambers, his heart indubitably melting at the sight of Izuku who slept rather peacefully.

He brushed a loose curl from Izuku's face, thinking about late last night.


Izuku was speedwalking back to his chamber, already in tears and not in the mood to be seen by anyone at the celebration; only to be stopped by Toshinori who was coming back from the bathroom.

Everything was like a blur for him as he sputtered on about Katsuki and Camie and how he felt, as well as the comment he made on the balcony.

The next thing Izuku knew, Toshinori placed his dark blue cloak onto Izuku to hide his figure as he headed to his chambers, only to return with a small plate of everything and water from the banquet.

As Izuku ate he could feel his tears dry onto his skin, his nose becoming slightly red and irritated from the sniffling once again.

Toshinori's hand glided over Izuku's hair, trying to ease his stepson's pain and humiliation.

"I'll talk with the King and Queen to see if I can get you from being Prince Katsuki's servant if it means that much to you." He solemnly spoke, watching as Izuku's wet doe eyes looked up at him.

"I'll see if they'll be willing to allow you to work somewhere else in the castle-,"

Izuku turned around, setting down the plate with a harsh swallow, "No. no I can handle myself."

He placed a hand atop Toshinori's before giving him a weak smile,

"A week. If I still can't stand him after a week, then I'll leave because I still want to try."

He gripped the hem of his shorts, listening to Toshinori say okay and wish him a goodnight; merely hoping he was making the right choice for himself.

~flashback end~

Never in Toshinori's years of knowing Katsuki as the crowned prince would he ever surmise to see the man put his own servant to bed.

Let alone allow them to sleep even though he was still on call.

Prince Katsuki was a lot of things; powerful, smart, alluring to some- but it took a lot to crack down into him to find his nice spot.

If anything, Toshinori was partly expecting the blond to go off and fire Izuku right then and there when the boy walked into his chambers for the morning.

But to watch all of this unfold, was quite a spectacular sight.

For now, Toshinori was settled, having nothing but positive affirmations for Izuku and his job.

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