VIII: Into The Open Air

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VIII: Into The Open Air

Third POV

By the time Izuku woke up, it was already late afternoon; feeling his heart drop when he finally understood that he'd ended up sleeping in.

What he didn't comprehend was the fact that Katsuki didn't just wake him up, not that Izuku was complaining cause he needed that nap but still...

Izuku doubted that any of Katsuki's former maids were able to get away with such a thing.

If he assumed correctly, Izuku was at the complete bottom of the former maid's chart, knowing what'd been spilled into the air last night.

As he put on his shoes his mind raced with only two things; first, was the suggestion that Katsuki wasn't all too mad about yesterday, because if he was, why didn't he shoo Izuku away?

Why didn't he fire him right there and then?

In fact, why bother to even allow Izuku to do with them?

But pushing that aside, with the 'chemistry' he and Camie were exhibiting yesterday, it surprised Izuku that Katsuki would stick up for him to her.

Camie was even upset and knew Katsuki far longer than Izuku did, so why bother to listen to him?

Being realistic, Katsuki didn't have to change; he was the crowned prince and successor to the throne once his mother was gone and his words now were already absolute.

Quickly, Izuku brushed himself down and adjusted himself before quickly exiting his chambers; making multiple turns before arriving to Katsuki's chambers.

Now Izuku would've used the staircase to his room to get there, but he was still welled up with nervousness.

He gently knocked before peering in, only to realize Katsuki wasn't in there.

Narrowing his brows, he wandered the halls trying to look around to find out where his prince was. But instead of Katsuki, he found Uraraka.

"Oh Midoriya, I was wondering where you were!" She exclaimed, standing outside double doors that supposed led to the council chambers, "I was taking a count of all the personal servants that was supposed to be here and realized you weren't."

Izuku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Sorry, I was sleeping-; I honestly thought Katsuki would get rid of me for falling asleep on him but I guess not..."

He watched a smug smirk fall on Uraraka, "I doubt you even notice because you're always on the job but lately, you've been the recent gossip around the maid's and servants quarters."

Izuku slightly blushed, "W-who me? But why?" feeling so embarrassed to know he'd been apart of gossip.

"Well it's nothing bad, just that people are slowly beginning to notice what's been going on between you and the prince," She started, placing a finger to her chin, "Maid Murakami heard you talking to the prince last night on the balcony and was a surprise he didn't just slap you and threaten to kill you there."

Izuku shifted his stance feeling his heart begin to palpitate, knowing that type of stuff wasn't exactly beneath Katsuki.

"And we were even more shocked to see you riding with him to the spring where only nobles are allowed to go along and what was the real topper was when he was carrying you to your room." she squealed, "I mean come on-!"

Izuku supposed from Uraraka's viewpoint all of this was peculiar.

"So cmon, spill it." she whispered closely, "What are you doing to make this prince act so out of character?"

Izuku was left agape, shaking his head, "I'm not doing anything I swear!"

Uraraka gave him a teasing smirk, "Not trying to rush anything or overreach on the boiling frog syndrome-; but maybe you being here isn't such a bad thing."

"The what syndrome..?" Izuku questioned, his eyes widening in confusion, feeling Uraraka pat his shoulder.

"Basically what I'm trying to say is, your little actions are slowly building up but instead of Katsuki being dead like a frog, he's getting better as a prince." she further explained. "And maybe as a person."

Still a bit iffy, Izuku was gonna say something, only until the doors opened up, revealing different people dressed in rich garbs.

None, in particular, caught his attention seeing as how he was trying to spot Katsuki within the crowd of noblemen and women.

As he peered forward, he bumped into a man wearing a white dress shirt overlaid a deep blue double breasted vest.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Izuku quickly bowed, not meaning to bump into the abnormally good-looking man with white and red hair.

The man's voice was rather deep, Izuku looked up upwards to see the man staring down at him with a blank look.

"It's actually okay," He spoke, having Izuku stand back upright, "I'm Prince Shoto Todoroki from the Avania Kingdom, and you are?"

Izuku twiddled his thumbs, avoiding Todoroki's rather strong and cold gaze, "I'm Izuku Midoriya, I'm currently prince Katsuki's servant."

He didn't know why, but just feeling this aura from Todoroki made him realize that him and Katsuki were to far off.

One was just more louder than the other.

"Well it's nice to meet you," Todoroki gave a reassuring nod, looking over to the council chambers, "I'm sure it can't be easy working for him."

Izuku shrugged, wondering if there was some sort of tension between the two princes, "Ah well, I'm definitely adjusting, besides, is it ever easy to work for someone that's crowned prince?"

Todoroki nodded, "You have a point there."

Izuku felt a faint blush spread across his cheeks, despite his initial thoughts Todoroki didn't seem so bad.

"Well I should be taking my leave now," Todoroki casted a small smile, his gaze darting towards a man who had neck-length black hair and a warm smile. "Sero, we can head home now."

"Coming, 'Roki." the man answered with a gleeful expression, walking only a few inches behind the Prince of Avania, as Izuku took noticed how they conjoined pinkies.


Izuku watched them turn the corner, only to turn back around and have his heart nearly stop in fear once he saw Katsuki tower over him.

His carmine eyes staring down at Izuku with an unreadable gaze, as he took Izuku's hand and dragged him along,

"You don't have time to be mingling with him or any other Prince for that matter; there's work to be done."

"R-right, yes sir." Izuku squeaked out, tightening his own grasp on Katsuki's hand as he was led into the man's chamber.

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