III: He's The Prince

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III: He's The Prince

Third POV

Izuku found himself more exhausted today than ever before in his life.

If he wasn't being cursed out and ridiculed in front of everyone by Katsuki; then it was the running round the castle that still appeared unfamiliar to him.

By the time the sun was finally setting, he wasn't done yet.

He was being called to the audience room, but not by Katsuki, but by his parents.

The King and Queen of Xynia.

Izuku gently bowed his head as he was in the presence of the highest people in power, slightly waving to Toshinori who stood obediently besides them.

"My Queen, My King," Izuku spoke quietly, "You've summoned me?"

"Please rise yourself." Queen Mitsuki spoke, sitting prim and proper in her red velvet throne chair, gently holding her husband hand, "We were the ones to accept your offer to be our son's new on call servant, and I'd like to know how things are going?"

Izuku's eyes flickered to Toshinori who had a pushing look, and even though he knew his stepfather would still love him, but if Izuku told the truth he'd definitely be disappointed.

"Everything is going quite well." Izuku nodded, holding a smile.

He watched a sweet smile form on both the king and queen's faces; a sigh of relief quietly falling from his lips.

"We know Katsuki can be a handful so we're glad to know he isn't trying to get rid of you like the rest," Mitsuki groaned, rubbing her temples, "Anyways, I'm just letting you know before the upcoming banquet tomorrow evening that you and Toshinori will be getting separate chambers but in the castle."

Izuku nodded, "Yes, your highness, I understand."

"All of your stuff from your former place has been placed accordingly in your room along with proper attire for any occasion, please follow head Maid, Uraraka to your quarter."

Izuku then turned around, his face lighting up to see the brunette girl from before.

"Follow me, Midoriya." Uraraka smiled brightly, before carefully entwining his arms with Uraraka.

. . .

"So, it seems you and I will be seeing more of each other." Uraraka giggled, "I genuinely mean good luck with Bakugo."

Izuku frowned, "you know?"

Uraraka gently patted her head, "I've been working here since I was 10; of course I know him and when I say he's definitely a problem I mean it."

"Yeah well I'm stuck with him." Izuku grumbled, "Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that I was trying to please my stepdad I would've quit."

Uraraka pumped her fist, "That's understandable, I only continue to work here so my parents can have an easy life and don't have to worry about me."

The more and more Izuku talked with Uraraka the more he realized how nice she was, as she also told him tips and tricks to make things easier in his life as he now worked in the royal household.

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