XIII: Right Person, Wrong Time

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XIII: Right Person, Wrong Time

Third POV

Izuku woke up way earlier than expected that morning, as he squinted to read the gold lined clock that read five am.

Then again, he could barely sleep at all after what had gone down between him and Katsuki. With only the dark glare peering in from the windows, Izuku gently brushed away a spiky lock from Katsuki's face.

He needed to go quickly before anyone in the head maid's quarter would know that he was missing.

He still needed to uphold the rule of making sure he represented the Xynia kingdom in an upmost manner.

He gently squirmed within Katsuki's grasp, watching the man slightly stir as he finally removed Katsuki's hand off his back, gently lifting the covers off of himself.

Just when he was mere moments from slipping off the bed and heading to the opposite side to put on his accessories, he heard Katsuki's voice.

It was low and guttural-; the obvious morning voice being evident as he shifted his body so he could wrap both of his arms around Izuku's waist, preventing the boy from getting up.

"Where are you going now?" Katsuki uttered, twiddling with the decorative mini ribbons, "Even after telling me to hold you, you still plan on leaving again?"

Izuku shook his head. "I need to go now before someone draws attention to this." The meaning of 'this' referring to them and whatever messed up maid and master relationship they had.

"I'll be back later." Izuku whispered, placing his own hands atop of Katsuki for a second, expelling a deep breath before removing him.

Eventually Katsuki let go, as Izuku stood up and went to go put on the remainder of his stuff before exiting the temporary guest chamber.

He clutched the top of his bodice as he sped walked to the maid's quarters; only to have his heart nearly shoot out of his chest when he heard Sero's voice.

"Midoriya? Where are you coming from?" The knight questioned, as he leaned his back against the stone wall, "I didn't see you enter your temporary maid chambers."

"I-I was aiding Prince Katsuki last night and I suppose I fell asleep." Izuku responded, though his low tone and the fact that he was hiding his face told Sero everything he needed to know.

"Wanna take a walk with me?" Sero raised his brows, holding out his hand for Izuku to grab, "Just a stroll around the castle."

Izuku shrugged, he supposed a walk couldn't hurt for him to clear his head.

As they walked around, Sero was the first to start questioning Izuku.

"Of course you don't have to tell me, but I'm curious," The man started with a quiet voice in case anyone was mysteriously up like the both of them, "Is there something going on between you and your Prince?"

Izuku shrugged, "You tell me first; what about you and Todoroki? I mean you talk about your prince so enthusiastically but when it comes down to deep within you, you go quiet."

Sero placed his arms behind him, resting them behind his head, "It's complicated because I know how I feel about Todoroki but I also know that us becoming a thing now is far-fetched."

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