V: Remember That Night

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V: Remember That Night

Third POV


The grand hall had become lively as different cuisines were being placed at different tables.

Izuku could see different upper to high-ranking people from where he was standing. As expected he was to aid and be by Katsuki's side.

And that wouldn't have been a problem because he was beginning to get used to Katsuki's same disrespectful retorts. What was the issue was the fact that unlike Katsuki, Camie was taking every opportunity she got to make a jab at Izuku.

From his appearance by calling him shabby-looking to his social status and how someone like him could've gotten such an important job as working with the prince.

Right now, Izuku shifted his weight from foot to foot, merely carrying out orders like any other servant.

"Izuku, wipe that look off your face." Katsuki's voice suddenly rang from Izuku's right side, as he looked down at Katsuki who took a sip of wine.

"You can't look angry at this kind of banquet, so smile."

Izuku rolled his eyes before he plastered on a small fake smile, the smile only slightly dropping when he felt Katsuki gently slap his ass.

"Better." the blond remarked as his gaze then shifted onto the double doors open up, revealing Camie who wore a silky black dress.

She immediately walked over to him, while remaining poised and proper by greeting those higher than her.

She took her seat next to him, immediately gushing about how they were both matching at the event by wearing black and having accents of gold on them.

Izuku felt like throwing up, trying to understand what the hell she was seeing in this man.

As far as Izuku was concerned, Katsuki treated her no better than anyone else, and the only time he ever even attempted to show affection was whenever he pull her to his room so they could make his bed shake for a good hour or so.

Izuku hated himself for stumbling into that; he felt like his eyes needed the most potent form of cleaning to wipe away what he'd just caught sight of.

He hadn't even known he'd zoned out in thought when Katsuki snapped nice and loud in front of his face, as Camie's voice finally registered in his ear,

"Do you mind?" she rather rudely stated, holding out her wine glass for Izuku to pour wine into it.

He shook his head, apologizing profusely as he poured the blood-red liquid into her glass, before setting down the pitcher.

He could hear Camie whisper under her breath and to Katsuki,

"Useless much?"

He felt his heart twinge, some small innermost part of him kind wanted Katsuki to tell her to stop making unnecessary comments.

But that wasn't Katsuki's job to do; on top of that the man still practically hated Izuku for whatever reason.

It was a two versus one and Izuku was evidently on the losing side.

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