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Requested?: No, but was promised.
I made this oneshot platonic in case there were aromantic, ace/aro, etc. people reading this, so i hope you enjoy this (almost late) pride month special!
(Y/N) = Your Name
(Y/S/G) = Your Sexuality and/or Gender (I split these up into sections)
(Y/P) = Your Pronouns

You arrive at Latte Cookie's small little home, taking a sharp breath in. You were nervous, but why? It was just something simple to talk about... right?

You ring the doorbell, awaiting Latte; your friend to answer. You knew that you could trust latte with something like this, but it was still so hard to let her know altogether. She may have kindness baked into her dough, but what if she saw you differently? You would just have to find out when you talk to her. She opened the door, and had on her same heartwarming smile.

"Ah, Hello Y/N! How are you on this lovely afternoon?" She asked you, hugging you from behind. Her kindness had warmed your heart and let some of your nervousness melt away.
"I'm doing good, thank you for asking!" you replied, as she gestured you into her home as you stepped inside.

"What have you come in here for?" Latte questioned, sitting on the other couch in front of the one you were sitting at. Your heart sank as you heard that. The nervousness you had from earlier crept up on you again. You look down at the floor, with a worried stare. Latte got up and looked at you with concern.

"Y/N, are you alright?" She asked, sitting right next to you. You could feel the pressure build up. You took a deep breath in, and turned around to face her.

"I actually do have something to tell you.." You mumbled. She sat up straight and made eye contact with you, showing that she's listening to what you have to say.
"I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now... but I've never had the words to say it. I'm coming out as (Y/S/G)." Latte's eyes open wide in surprise. You gulped nervously, not knowing how she'd take it.

Sexuality/Romantic Attraction Route:

"That's completely fine, you love who you love and that's fine! As long and your happy I will continue to be your friend and support you." Latte exclaimed. She wrapped her arms around you, embracing you into a hug. You smiled as you hug her back. Turns out, you didn't have anything to be worried about after all.

Ace/Aro Spectrum Route:

"So, you're saying you don't really feel attraction that much?" Latte asked. You nodded in response, biting the inside of your cheek. Her confused face, turned into a soft smile; which somewhat relieved your worry.

"That's okay if you don't feel sexual or romantic attraction. You are completely valid, and i'll still think of you as the same old you, Y/N." She beamed. Latte's statement made you want to hug her as hard as you could. You got up off the couch and hugged her for what seemed like forever, and felt the weight on your shoulders drift away.

Gender Route (transgender is included in this):

"So you're gender is (Y/G)?" she asked. You nodded in response.
"My pronouns are also (Y/P)." You added. She got up and gave you a big, warm hug.

"I'm so proud of you for being brave enough to tell me something like this. It might have made you nervous to tell me, which is why i'm so proud of you! You're 100% valid and I respect your pronouns and gender." She cheered. You felt tears come to your eyes as you hugged her tightly. You felt so relieved that she accepted you, and you knew that she would be your number 1 ally.

Non-binary Spectrum route

You explained to her that you feel like you don't necessarily have a gender, or an assigned gender at that. She nodded at the information and gives you a smile.
"It's fine if you don't feel like a boy or girl, or you possibly don't have a gender. You're still the same old Y/N, the only thing that is different is your gender, and I will never make you feel invalid about it." She smiled, and gave you a pat on your back. You felt your nervousness drift away, and give latte a hug.

743 words.
Apologies for having this take so long, I have had little to no time to work on this, since I'm mostly at theatre practice.
Have a good day, and happy pride month! <33

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