Ch 2

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"Listen, I don't have time for this right now."
I say as nice as possible.
"Stop pretending that your hot shit."
"Yeah it's fucking embarrassing" another says.
I try to walk away but the so-called "leader" of the group grabbed my wrist, "wow, your weaker then you look." He said and squeezed my wrist rather hard, And remembered something very unpleasant
"Next thing I know the kid goes flying into the wall with a loud "CRACK" time seemed to slow down ............. did I do that?" My question was answered without hesitation when I hear my name being called on the loud speaker. "Arthur Leywin please report to the directors office immediately.
I look around and see the all to familiar stares watching me walk out of the cafeteria with what looks of disgust of their faces.

I walk through the halls and all i can feel is everyone looking at me.

I walk as fast as I could to Goodskys Office and opened the door to see concern all over her face.
"I just got back the report of Austin's Injuries. (the one he yeeted into the wall)
He's got a grade two concussion.... so my question for you is why did you do that? Because what I heard from the other students all he did was grab your wrist."

How am I supposed to explain myself now. I put on a fake smile "I'm sorry director Goodsky it was a mistake, I over reacted." I said
"Is that all?" She added. "Umm yes?" I was confused.
"As much as I don't want to I'm going to have to give you a punishment."
Great now I really regret going to this stupid school.
"Since Austin was a noble his parents are bound to complain so you will be given a week suspension. I'll allow you to notify your parents of your suspension, you are dismissed."
I nodded and walked of the office and headed to my dorm to pack up some of my stuff.
"Where are you going Arthur?" Elijah asked.
"I was suspended."
"WHAT!" I left before he could say anything else.
I headed out with Sylvie and left the academy
But.... I didn't want to go home. I didn't feel like facing them with such shame.
So I decided to do something else.

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