Ch 14

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Everyone was talking about going shopping during breakfast.
"You wanna come with us Arthur? The helsteas are coming too" they offered, but I just felt so tired there was no way I could walk around for hours.

"I'm good, I think I'm just gonna train today"
I try to sound enthusiastic but the restless nights were getting to me.
"Awww, pleaseeeee big bro I really want you to come with us." Ellie pouted and picked at her food.

"Sorry Ellie, I promise I'll come with you next time."

~1 hour later~

I decided to get some fresh air and take a small walk. I wanted to avoid the any crowds so i went through some alleys, I felt like someone was watching me.
"Why are you following me?" I asked not one but two figures.
"Smart little guy aren't you?" They snickered.
One was a tall skinny man in his 40s and the other was the opposite, fat and was in his 20s.
"Now why don't you be a good boy and let us do as we please with you"

"My blood started to boil, what did he mean by that? "Are you going to try to take my money or rape me?" I asked bluntly.
"Maybe both" they step closer to me and try to grab ahold of my clothes but I punch him in the face making him stumble to the ground obviously surprised by my strength.
The other one tries to tackle me from behind but I grab him by his collar and slam the back of his head against the wall. Again, again, again and again until his eyes rolled in his head, and his body slid to the ground.
I turned around and watch as the other man tried to get up but kept stumbling back to the ground.
"Do it again" the whispers of myself continued to ring in my ear.
I take out the my knife and watched as the man tremble in fear.
I stab him through one leg then the other as he screamed in pain which I couldn't allow so I slit his throat and watched as he struggled to breath.
His face turning a light purple which only motivated me more.
I stabbed him through the chest over and over and over, blood splatters covered the alley and myself.

I heard the man take his last breath and the light dim from his eyes.

"Why? Why? why? why? why? Is it always me!! Why do I have such a shitty life!!!"

I just wanted went for a walk but here I am coming home looking like a monster.

"This is it"

this lovely chapter was inspired by my  viewers♥️

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