Ch 12

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"Arthur, can we talk outside?" Virion asked.
"We can talk right here" I didn't bother looking up and continue to eat.
"Alright," he began. "I'm sorry Arthur, I didn't mean what I said last night. I was just thinking about my...... wife." I could tell he regret what he said but for some reason I couldn't forget what he said but I don't want to lose him, he's part of the family I've never had.
"It's alright, forgive and forget as I always say."
I act as fine as I could but I could feel my lip start to quiver.

"You really forgive me brat?"
"Yes you don't have to worry. You were upset is all I get that."
That seemed to convince him, eventually everyone loosened up and we were back to the way we were before...... which is is a good thing....I guess

~Helstae's manor~

We said goodbye to everyone and was sent back home.
The ride was pretty silent for most of the way because we were all pretty much tuckered out from all the drama.

I went into my room and locked the door then threw all my stuff on my bedside, I sunk into my mattress.
I felt like I was sinking, falling into the oblivion with one coming to pull me back out, not one person reaching out to save me like one of those hands You'd see on television.

Just me myself and I.

My wrist start aching and I see blood seeping into the mattress I quickly get out of my bed and unwrap my wrist.
"Why aren't they healing?" I once again rewrap my wrist hoping they'll be healed soon, if I don't cut them again of course.

  "Arthur you in there?" I open the door and see mom and dad.
"Did you need something?" I ask curiously.
"We just want to say goodnight." They smile, and I couldn't help but see what I knew what could never be.
"Um goodnight I love you guys." I hug them and we part ways. I sink back into my bed and let sleep take over me.

This is your author: I wanted to know if you guys want another chapter or not

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