Ch 3

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I waited till it was night and rid Sylvie over dicathen till we got to the edge of the beast glades.
"Sylvie, drop me off here." I told her.
"But papa it's dangerous" she was concerned.
"Sylvie this is a demand, and once I get down there your gonna go and back and stay with Elijah." "But-" she tried to say something but I cut her off.
"Do not question me, Now go" Sylvie didn't understand but went anyways and rod away back to the academy.
"Be safe papa" she said. I waved and walked into the darkness.
I felt lonely, not a mana beast in sight they must be disgusted with me to just like everyone else.
After awhile the loneliness seemed to drift into emptiness the farther I walked.
After awhile I decided to turn in for the night on top of a tall tree.
Which was rather soothing I became relaxed and the quietness soothes my head I slowly drifted into a long slumber.

"What the? Did I fall off the tree"
I pry open my eyes and saw an all to familiar arena.
Is that..... "Cecilia!!"I yelled. "ran up to her and embraced her. "I Missed you so much.... please.... don't ever leave me like that....again." I said between chokes sobs.
"Grey!! I heard Nico yell from behind. Why would you do that to her!!"
I was confused. "What do you mea-" What.... why is there a knife in my hand? And why is there so much blood? "Cecilia what's going on- I asked. only to find blood streaming down her chest. "I'm sorry Grey" that was the last thing she uttered before falling to the ground I saw her chest rise on last time before the lights disappeared from her eyes.
"What have I done..... It should've been me!! It should've been me! It should've been me!!!" I yelled till Everything faded.

I jolt awake realizing it was all a dream.
Tears were streaming down my face my eyes met with a small pocket knife I carry around with me at all times.
"It's about time you make use of yourself"
I cut on slice but one turned into two then three I proceeded with the same routine with the other arm it's not like it matters anyways I'm sure Sylvia's will- will heal it anyways after I finish I put my knife back into my pocket and wrapped my wrist with some cloth in my small bag.
"I'm so stupid:"

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