Nico's letter

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Hey, it's me, Grey.

If you see this it means I'm already gone.
Sorry for leaving so suddenly.

I just wrote this to explain myself.

I didn't kill her.
I loved her Nico, I won't deny it.
The whole situation is a misunderstanding.
If you finally reunite with her I'm sure she'll explain everything.

I'm really sorry for the way I've acted towards you all those years ago.
Everything I did back then was for yours and hers sake.
It's true I was driven by revenge but you guys were apart of my goal too.

I just wanted to give you two the life you  deserve.... but I ended up doing the exact opposite.

You and Cecilia were the only thing that was keeping me going.

After the incident and you leaving... my life had no meaning.
Everything I worked for went to a waste.
It's hard watching your best friend of thirty years turn away from you forever.

I'm sorry.

I hope someday you'll be able to forgive me

and I hope you and her will have the dream wedding you deserve, and plenty of kids.

I wish I could be there to see it.

Your best friend.

See you in the third life.

Ill post Cecilia's letter next

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