Cecilia's letter

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Hey Cecilia,
It's me, Grey

I just want you to know that I'm upset
You let Nico believe that I hurt you, he hated me.
And it's your fault.

But, I just can't hate you or be mad at you for some reason.
Maybe it's because your my best friend or that I...... love you
I'm sorry for shunning you all those years
I was stupid, ignorant, dumb.
I just wanted to be strong.
But I realized after you left my real strength was you. It was always you.

Taking your life with my own hands was something I could never get over.

I guess the guilt was stronger then I expected.
I just want you and Nico have a happy life together
If you ever reunite which I'm sure you will.

I don't know why I came to this world,
I kept searching for a purpose but came up with nothing in the end.

It was a struggle just trying get through the day
I'm just too tired.

I'm so weak
I don't deserve love, happiness, warmth.
I don't deserve anything
I have to many sins.

Anyways.... I hope you too grow old together and get the happiness you deserve.

I wish it was me.
I'm sorry,

Your secret admirer.

See you in the third life.

The end

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