Chapter 17

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Eric's POV:

I stared at Olivia's house that she shared with that boy. He may be older than me, but no one could take care of my Liv like I could. I grabbed my knife and started towards the house. 

I would make sure to make him suffer a long painful death before taking my beautiful girl with me. 


Olivia's POV:

Something was wrong. I felt it, deep in my body, I felt that something was really wrong. I rolled over in the bed and felt for Liam. 

He wasn't there. I got up as quickly as I could and looked around the room before noticing the bathroom light was on and the door was closed. I got out of bed and opened the door, not caring that Liam was in front of me peeing. 

"Well hello to you too?" He rose his eyebrows and chuckled before noticing my expression and sobering up. 

"Something is wrong." He finished using the bathroom and washed hishands before coming over to hold me. 

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that something feel off. Something bad is-"

"Hello my sweet darling." I shot my eyes over to Eric. He looked crazed andI noticed the glint of the giant knife in his hands. 

I jumped out of Liam's arms and stood in front of him. I knew Eric wouldn't hurt me. As crazy as he was, it was for me. "Hey Ricky. I'm so glad you're here for me! I missed you." 

His eyes brightened and I felt sick as he beckoned for me to come closer to him. I slowly walked over to him. He kissed me deeply and I fought down my strong urgeto vomit. He pulled away then pecked my lips again. 

"I've waited so long to do that, babe." He looked like he was going to kiss me again when he was rammed by Liam. At that minute, I was frozen with terror. Liam was unarmed and Eric had a huge knife. I dont know what I would do if something happened to Liam. 

I crossed the room and reached in the night table where I kept a gun. Liam didnt know it was there, but I had gone and bought it for us. I was not going to let Eric ruin my life. I held the gun in my hands as my arms shook. 

I watched as Liam was sliced by the knife on his arms as he fought Eric off. If I could, I would have shot Eric there, but they kept rolling around, so I couldn't get a clear shot.  I heard Liam cry out in pain and I watched Eric get the upper hand. He sat over Liam and raised the knife to stab him. 

"We'll finally be together Liv!" Before he could bring his arms down, I lifted the gun and shot him in the back of the head. His body crumpled over Liam. Liam crawled from under him and he stood up clutching his arm. There was blood dripping from under his arm, so I jumped up and called the cops. 

"911, what is your emergency?"

"A man broke in and tried to kill my boyfriend. I shot and killed him."

I killed him. 

Killed Eric.

One of my closest friends. 


The gun dropped out of my hands and I started to shake. It finally hit me, it was over. No more people had to die, no more people had to be threatened becaue of me. 

It was over. 


I havent updated in FOREVER and now I'm going to finish up! There is gonna be 2 more chapters! Next one will be a funeral, which will be after Liam and Olivia are already married. 

Then the chappy after that with be the cutie babies! 

Then finally the epilougue. :)

Hope you guys liked it, even if it took me like a year to get back to it. ;)

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