Chapter 2

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I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I was greeted with the smell of alcohol and a constant beping sound. I couldn’t remember why I was here, but I had a ridiculous headache, this room was entirely too bright, and the constant beeping was so annoying. I heard stirring next to my hospital bed and I figured Jacob was checking to see if I was awake.  

                “How do you feel?"

I froze and searched my brain trying to figure out whose voice this was. I decided it wasn’t a voice I recognized. I looked over and gasped at the sight. The sexy, deep voice was attached to an equally  sexy person. He was sitting down in the hard wooden chair in the corner of the room, but I could tell he is muscular and toned from his arms. He has black hair that is shaggy and that slightly covered his eyes. His eyes are the greenest eyes I had ever seen in my life. I swear they could see into my soul and find my deepest darkest secret.

Before I could say anything, he stood up and walked over to the bed. I noticed how tall he is, he is probably about 6'5, and how he walked so gracefully. As he walked towards me, I couldn’t help, but stare back at his intense green eyes.

"I-I f-feel fine other than this stupid headache.” I said nervously. I mentally slaped myself. why am I stuttering? I guess its probably because there is an extremely hot stranger standing over my bed and not mention he is staring at me! Something about him just made my heart rate increase increase. It was times like this that i cursed the loud heart monitor next to my bed.

The mystery man fired a couple more questions and I tried to talk normally, but it was really hard to talk as long as he was so close to me. His smell was so intoxicating that it was making me slightly dizzy. He sort of smelled like Calvin Kein and a mix of something else. Whatever scent it was had definitely just become my favorite scent. But most importantly, in these few seconds, he also managed to make me feel so self-conscious. I have never, in my whole entire existence been self conscious, not even Jacob could make me feel self-conscious. I never felt the need because I knew I was pretty. I was never narcissistic or slutty though, I always knew my limits.

I have a really light caramel skin and thick, wavy dark brown hair. It seems I barely got any color from my dad, but I got all my hair from his side of the family. I have a natural bikini body and lean long legs. Not to add I have a pretty face, which was a perk of having a father mixed with black and French and a mother that was Korean. I have exotic looking grayish blue eyes, another perk of having such a unique family background, even though I always wondered where the bluish color came from. I always caught guys looking at me, and girls glaring at me, but I never paid them any mind because I knew I had Jacob.

As if noticing my discomfort or hearing the furious beeping from the machine, he smiled and softened his eyes before introducing himself and sticking his hand out for a hand shake.

"Sorry, I’m being rude..Hi, I’m Liam. Liam Ross."

"H-hi..I’m Olivia Peters..I’m not trying to be rude but what are you doing in here?" I asked cautiously. I was curious to see why a stranger was in my room while I was sleeping. Plus, I wanted to find out more info as to why I’m in a hospital.

                “You don’t remember?” He asked with his head cocked to the side. Liam actually looked quite adorable with his head cocked, but I dismissed that thought. This was a complete stranger, I couldnt look at him this way especilly since I still have Jacob. I shook my head no. I could see his discomfort with my answer, but I respected him for trying to hide his emotions in his eyes so well.

"Oh..umm " he stumbled over his words trying to choose them carefully. “How do I say this,” I heard him mumble to himself. Tell me what? I was starting to get a little nervous.

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