Chapter 10

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"Well hello there beautiful."

"Hey Dev, whats up?" Devon calling me was nothing new. Ever since me and Liam got back together and Devon started dating Izzy, me and Devon have gotten close. He is really cool and he makes Izzy happy so I dont have a problem with him.

"Want to meet up with me and Iz later? We are going out for coffee and thought you would like to hang?"

"I would love to but I have plans tonight. Sorry Dev." Recently, Jacob has been trying to contact me. He says that he didnt like the way we ended things. Whatever. I mean I dont have any animosity anymore but I just dont care anymore. And on top of that he wants me to meet Kaleb. Seriously? You want me to meet the guy you were cheating on me with? Once again, I say whatever.

I lock my door and start walking down the street. Liam has convinced me to start taking walks around the neighborhood to get exercise. Being 5 months pregnant makes you want to be a couch potato, but I know he's right so I started taking walks to the park to watch the little kids play.

When I reach the park, I sit on a park bench and watch the kids play. I fidget because I cant shake the feeling that Im being watched. I look around but nothing seems out of the ordinary. I decide that Im going to go ahead and head home because i dont like this feeling. I mean, who likes to feel like they are being followed.


She looks so peaceful on that park bench. I stare at her extended stomach. The baby is not biologically mine, but I will take care of it like its mine. After that man is gone, Im sure she will come to me with open arms. She is so perfect. I watch as she looks around and fidgets. What is wrong with her? She stands up and walks in the diections of her home. Shes leaving me already? I walk with her until I see that she has made it home safely.

When I reach my home, I become instantly irritated. My sister is really starting to get on my nerves. If I wasnt so preoccupied with Olivia, I would go ahead and kill her. That would bring too much suspicion to me and make everything complicated.

I go to my room and lock the door. I stare at my collage of pictures of Olivia. God, she is so beautiful. I feel myself het hard. I unzip my zipper and start to stroke myself. I imagine that my hand is Olivia's mouth and I instantly get off. I cant wait til I get my Olivia and it really is her mouth on me.


I slip on my stretchy jeans and put on my loose, flowy shirt. I brush my hair and get ready to leave to meet Jacob. I guess its time to meet the guy I got cheated on with.

"Are you sure you dont want me to go?" I was about to answer no, but then i thought about it. I might as well bring Liam so that Im not alone with the two 'lovebirds'.

"You know what? Can you come with me?" Liam grabbed his keys and led me to his mustang.We pulled up to a little restraunt. We walked in and I spotted Jacob alomst instantly. Mainly because every girl was staring lustfully at Jacob and the other man I assume to be Kaleb. I giggled because little did these girls know that those two men were definitely not interested.

We walked over to the table and Jacob stood up. He looked happy that I showed up but weary because of the reason behind the meeting.

"You are..Liam. Right?" Jacob asked looking at Liam. Liam just nodded and looked between Jacob and Kaleb.

"Well Im glad you showed up Olivia. I want you to meet Kaleb. Kaleb meet Olivia." The other man stood up and smiled at me. He's taller than Jacob, he is about the same height as Liam. He has dirty blond hair just like Jacob. His eyes are a piercing gray. This man is clearly sexy. Almost sexier than Liam. Almost.

"Man Jacob, you definitely chose a good person to cheat on me with. Shoot, I would cheat on me with him!" I laughed at Jacob instantly relaxed. I mean there wasnt any animosity anymore. Im very happy with Liam and Jacob is clearly happy with Kaleb so it all worked out.

Kaleb started to laugh before he takled. "Well, look Im very sorry about that. I hated the fact that he wouldnt tell you about me. I almost broke up with him because of it. Matter of fact, I was going to break up with him the night you caught us."

Jacob looked at me sheepishly. I laughed again.

"Jacob, I promise that its okay. You look happy and Im more than happy." I said smiling at Liam. He was looking at me with such adoration and love that I felt like crying. Stupid overactive hormones.

"Olivia, why are you crying?" Jacob looked at me with concern. I wiped my eyes and smiled at him.

"Hormones. If you couldnt tell, I'm sorta preggers." I said laughing again. Man, my emotions were all over the place tonight.

"I see, congragulations Liv." Jacob frowned when he finished talking because of his nickname. Its weird because now, I really didnt care. To be honest, the nichname seemed fine coming from him.

"Jacob, dont look so scared. The nickname is fine." We all laughed. The dinner actually went really good. We spent the whole night joking and laughing and I actually liked Kaleb. He's a nice guy.

The only problem I had with dinner was when I got that feeling that I was being watched again. I looked around but I didnt see any similar faces as this morning. I just dismissed it as my overactive imagination, but deep down I knew it wasnt my imagination. Somebody was following me.

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