Chapter 7

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I woke up to the familiar white ceilings and the annoying beeping noise and knew I was back in the hospital. Why am I in a hospital again? I groaned and tried to sit up, but sharp pains rang through my head so I groaned and lay back down.

“Babe, are you okay?" I didn’t have to look up to know it was Jacob. I could hear the worry in his voice and I was grateful he was here, but I was sort of disappointed that Liam wasn’t here instead.

“What happened?” I asked trying to remember. My heart started to hurt as I remembered my conversation with Liam, but that was where everything got fuzzy.

“Well, it seems you ran out into the street and got hit by a car. You were launched 20 feet into the air and hit your head really hard. I’m surprised you are doing as well as you are doing right now. They thought you would go into a coma, have memory loss..or just not wake up at all.” I just gaped at him for a minute. Had I seriously been hit by a car and thrown so high in the air? The hitting my head part made sense considering I had a head bandage and a splitting headache. But then, I started to remeber little bits. I remebered running away from Liam crying. I remembered getting hit by a carr. and lastly I remembered that Liam wouldnt care about me. That fact definitely hurt.

“Um, can I borrow your phone?” I asked. My throat hurt like crap but I needed to talk to Izzy and try to talk to Liam.

“Sure, what for?”

“I just want to make a few calls. Why don’t you go get us some normal food?” I asked trying to smile. I’m sure that it came out more like a grimace than a smile though. Jacob handed me his phone, but he was hesitant about it. Why had he become so secretive all of a sudden? Now I remembered how he was always texting and stuff, but now was not the time for that. Jacob walked out of the room and I dialed Izzy’s number and waited for her to pick up.

“What do you want Jacob?” Izzy asked grumpily.

“It’s not Jacob, can you please come to the hospital?”

“Oh my gosh, Ollie! What happened? Are you okay? I heard what happened after school! Please tell me you are okay!”

“I will explain, just come.”

“I’m on my way right now!” I heard the click to show the call had ended. I took a deep breath and looked at the dial pad again. I knew I needed to talk to Liam and I needed to see him, but I was nervous. What if he didn’t want to see me? I had hurt him and I wouldn’t blame him for ignoring me. I took one last deep breath and dialed his number.

“Hello?” The voice that answered definitely was not Liam.

“Umm, who is this?” I asked.

"I'm Delilah, Liam's wife. And this is?" For a second, I couldn't breathe. Wife? He was married and had used me as an affair? How had I let myself be so stupid?

Tears prickled my eyes and blurred my vision when I heard a deep voice in the background ask who was on the phone and then I heard the phone get passed over.

“Olive, is that you?” Liam asked. I was so relieved to hear his voice, but I didn't want to be. He already had a wife and I was just another girl to him.

“Yea it is. Seriously a wife? You just used me for a fun f**k." I said coldly. Saying it aloud made it more real. It hurt worse.

“It’s no-“ I ended the call and stared at the screen for a little. I felt the tears coming and I swallowed them back down. I knew if I cried, too many questions would be asked and I didn’t need that. I closed my eyes and waited until I heard the door open. It was Jacob holding a bag of Subway. Instinctively, my stomach growled and I began to blush. Jacob laughed and walked over and kissed me. It was a little peck, but it didn’t have any of the electricity that happened when I kissed Liam. Liam. I have got to stop thinking about that manipulative, cheating douchebag.

Jacob was a good kisser, but he didn’t make me feel special or anything. He was just..Jacob. After the peck, he grabbed his phone and sat back down. He opened his phone and began texting again. I seriously want to know who he is texting.

A couple minutes later, I saw the door bust open and I saw Izzy standing there wide-eyed. I swear he eyes were opened wide so much it would stay like that. She saw Jacob next to my bed and had a confused look on her face. She shook it off and her face went back to looking worried.

“Ollie, what happened?” Jacob began to explain when Izzy cut him off. “I asked Olivia to explain.” She said coldly. I was shocked at how heartless Izzy was being. I have never seen her act so mean, it seems Jacob hadn’t either. He mumbled an apology then quickly left the room.

“What was that?” I asked as I stared at Izzy.

‘“Look, I know I’m not usually this mean, but Jacob basically robbed you of your happiness. You stayed with him, probably out of guilt, while you let a man who was perfect for you out of the door. I just don’t like to see him around you, caring for you when it should be Liam here.” I was shocked to hear what Izzy really thought. I mean, she was right to an extent. I did stay with Jacob because I felt bad for cheating on him. But then again, it didn't matter because Liam was using me anyway.

"Iz, Liam was just us-"

I was interrupted when the doctor walked back in. “Hello Olivia, we meet again." I realized the doctor was once again Dr. Mann.

“Oh yeah. Sorry about being back.” I replied sheepishly. Dr. Mann just laughed and I noticed how much of a nice smile he really had.

“When can I leave doc?” I asked after Dr. Mann had finished checking all my charts.

“In a couple of days and as soon as you agree to go on a date with me.” I froze. Did I just get asked out again on another date at a hospital? This is crazy. First it was..the douchebag and now Dr. Mann? I knew I had to get my mind off of LIam and its not like Jacob would even notice me gone, so I chuckled and agreed to go on the date. Izzy stared at me wide eyed, but I just shrugged. She still didn’t know about Liam’s wife and I really just wanted to forget all about Liam.

“Well, we will make those plans for dinner later, but Olivia, there is something I found interesting in your charts and I would like to speak to you in private.” I looked at Izzy and she nodded and walked out and closed the door behind her.

“What’s up doc?”

“Well, your blood tests show that you are pregnant.” My mouth dropped open. Im pregnant?!

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