Chapter 19

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I curled in a tighter ball and moaned loudly. 

"Olive? Baby what's wrong?" I moaned again loudly and rolled over. I had been sleeping when these stomach aches started and now it was getting to be a problem.

"I need to go to the hospital." Liam rushed over to me and helped me stand up. The minute he did, I felt liquid roll down my leg and I was positive I hadn't just peed on myself. "The babies are coming." 

Liam kicked into high gear and was rushing to grab the bag we had prepared for this time. He slipped on my shoes for me before helping me back up and basically carrying me to the car. He settled me in and I slipped on my seatbelt as Liam fumbled with the key to get the car started. 

I let out a loud moan as another contraction hit me. "We're about to leave, baby. Just hold on." He finally got the car on and he zoomed out of our garage and driveway in record time.

"Dont kill us going to the hopital!" I saw Liam let up on the gas and continue to glance over at me. I saw the hospital come into view as I was hit with another contraction. 

"We're here baby. Come on." Liam hopped out of the car in the drop off lane and rushed me inside. "Nurse? Anyone? My wife has gone into labour, I need some help!" A nurse came over with a wheelchair and I sat down slowly. Liam turned to leave and I grabbed his sleeve.

"WHere are you going?"

"I need to move the car and I promise I will be back, give me 5 minutes." He jogged out of the hospital and I closed my eyes and rested my tired body. It was short lived since another contraction hit.

A few minutes later, another contraction hit. A doctor walked into the room and smiled at me. "Hello Mrs.Ross, I see we had another contraction hit. Can you tell me how far apart they are?"

"Maybe about 5 minutes."  She nodded and started to write stuff down, so I closed my eyes and rested, wishing for Liam to hurry up. Just then, Liam opened the door and walked over to me, kissing my forehead. 

"Okay, Mrs. Ross, we are going to need to do an exam so check how far along you are." I nodded and then clamped down on Liam's arm. "Well, you're almost there, Mrs. Ross."


"Congratulations you hae three healthy babies." Liam wiped my hair away from sweat drenched forehead and smiled down at me.  

"What are we going to name them, baby?" Liam asked kissing the hand he was holding. 

"How about Cree for our girl? He smiled.

"Cree Ross. I like it. I have always Xavier for one of my sons." I thought about and liked it. Xavier Ross had a very prestigous ring to it.

"I like it. Cree, Xavier, and Matthew?" Liam nodded and I sighed in relief. I looked over at the hospital cribs and saw my babies sleeping peacefully in their cribs. 

Izzy and Devon creeped back into the room and smiled at us. "Did you already pick names for my niece and nephews?" I nodded at Izzy. 

"Cree, Xavier, and Matthew Ross." Liam answered.

"It's so cute. You guys finally have your happily ever after."

And I had to agree with Izzy. I had my best friend, my husband, and now my three little angels. 


This is the end of the book.

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