Chapter 6

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When we got to Izzy’s house, Liam’s phone rang. I saw his apologetic face and knew it had to do with work.  He told me that he had to go to the lab and work on some files for a little. I pouted, but I sucked it up and gave him a quick kiss and got out. I watched him pull away before knocking on the door. When I began to think to myself I snorted. I'm such a sap, I am falling for the 'perfect' guy. Note the quotes around perfect. There goes my sarcastic strwak that seems to ruin every good thought I have. Sigh.

Izzy opened the door just as I was sighing. She gave me a weird look, but  shrugged and she dropped it.

“Hey Ian.” I said walking past the game room. He grunted as a reply because he didn’t want to break his concentration in the video game. I shook my head in amusement. Boys these days and their toys. I laughed at my thought and walked to Izzy’s room.

“So what have you been up to?” Izzy asked plopping down on the bed.

“Nothing really.” I said. I sort of felt guilty for not telling her, but I was going to wait until I knew what was developing with Liam.

“Oh. Me and Ian had a air hockey tournament when his friends came over. I almost won- DEAR GOD WHAT ARE THOSE?!” Izzy screamed. That’s when I realized my hair had slipped away to reveal the love marks.

“Calm down Izzy!” I said turning beet red. Her eyes widened after she realized what was on my neck.

“Those were from Liam weren’t they?” She asked smirking. Great. She smirks at me. Did she forget that I just cheated on my boyfriend. I swear something is wrong with this girl. Wait. Earlier I was enjoying it too. Gosh Im such a weirdo. Oh yeah, dont for get whore too.

“Please don’t say anything and can I borrow one of your summer scarves?” I asked. She imitated a closing zipper over her lips then went and got me a black summer scarf. Izzy drilled me for details, but kept everything very vague. I still didn’t know to think of what was developing, especially since I hadn’t known Liam for long and I had just cheated on my boyfriend with him.

 For the rest of the day, all I could think of was Liam and Jacob. I kept my thoughts from Izzy because I was still trying to decipher them myself.  When I went to sleep, I dreamed of the intimate night me and Liam had shared. I woke myself up the next morning with a smile on my face still thinking of Liam. A guilty pang went through my stoamch. I really did like Liam and the sex was too amazing for words. My heart and body craved it again but my mind knew it was wrong.  I went and got ready for the first day of school. I wore a tight green shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, and my Polo boots. Izzy wore a black polo and pink skinny jeans. She topped the outfit off with black Christian Louboutin heels.

 We ate a quick breakfast and left to go to school. Izzy and I pulled up in Izzy’s new blue Tiburon. She was excited for making her grand entrance with her sllek new sports car. The thing even had the freaking nitrogen buttons! Who the heck needs nitrogen buttons?! We stepped out and Izzy got her entrance. Everyone stared at us for a little then went back to theor conversations. The minute we got out of the car, I ran over and gave Maya and Eric a huge hug.

“I missed you guys so much!” I said. I smiled them and looked at them. Eric was looking at me weirdly, but I couldn’t tell what it meant. It looked at little like..anger?

“We missed you too!” Eric’s silky voice rang out. The look was gone and was replaced with happiness. Weird..but whatever.

“Yea, we got you, Izzy, and Nate something from Italy!” Maya squealed. She was always so excited and Eric was always so calm. Complete opposites.

We talked for a couple minutes before we separated to go to homeroom. Izzy and I left together since we had the same homeroom. We received our schedules and figured out that we had every class with together. I rolled my eyes, but was secretly happy I was with my best friend all day.

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