Chapter 18

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I gathered as much strength as I could and walked onto the stage. Everyone looked at me, some with anger in their eyes, other with nothing, and then there was that little group with tears flowing freely from their eyes. 

"Eric was not a monster. He was anything, but. He was a mistaken boy with problems that nobody paid enough attention to, to actually be able to help him. I witnessed his last moments and that was not Eric. 

Eric was funny, loving, kind, just an all around great person. He was one of my best friends. 

And I miss him so much, just as much as I miss his sister. 

She was the life of the show. She came to school smiling and laughing, always trying to cheer someone up. And I will forever miss the Foster twins." I slowly walked off the podium and sat back dwon next to Liam. He wrapped an arm around me and I leaned into my husband. 

I smiled slightly thinking about my wedding to Liam. It was beautiful and simple. We had it ouside, under a willow tree. 

Cliche, but still utterly beautiful. 

I wore a white maxi dress the showed off my huge belly, and wore simple white ballet flats. Izzy was my bridesmaid and of course Devon was Liam's best man. We invited a few family friends and our family and had our wedding. 

I came out of my joyful memory as everyone stood up to go to the burial sights. I walked outside and  smiled at the beautiful day. 

I may have lost two, good hearted people, but life was good. 

And it would continue, whether we wanted it to or not. 

************************************************************************************************************One more chappy before the Finaleeee!!

Ready for it?? I hope now that I've come back you guys are ready to read and enjoy!

Hope you like it! 

Love you guys! :)

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