Chapter 5

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I walked up to the receptionist desk slowly and asked where Jacob's room was. She told me 167. I was shaking and I had butterflies in my stomach. Why was I so nervous? I mean, I should have been really happy, but I wasnt. I was so confused. my boyfriend was out of a coma and I felt indifferent. When I opened the door, I saw a beaming Jacob. He came over and gave me a kiss and a tight hug.

"I missed doing that." Jacob whispered in my ear. Usually, Jacob's breath on my ear made me hot, but now it made me uncomfortable because Liam was there. I guess Liam saw me squirming because he stuck his hand out to introduce himself.

"Hello, I'm Liam, Liam Ross." Liam said flashing a sincere smile at Jacob.

"Hi, I'm Jacob Sanders." Jacob said with slight confusion. He looked towards me for an explanation.

"Jacob, this is my new friend Liam," I said trying to take away some confusion, "he drove us here so are you ready to go?" Jacob gave me one more kiss and then entwined his hands with mine. I smiled at the small guesture, but my smile faded when I looked at Jacob's face. His eyes were locked on Liam, and he was sizing Liam up. I could tell that Liam was pretending not see Jacob's jealousy, but I knew he saw the look when he winked.

I sent a warm smile to Liam and guided Jacob to Liam's familiar mustang. I was a little annoyed because Jacob was still jealous of Liam, even though I was with him. I mean Liam was cute and all but Jacob is the one Im in love with. He has been there for me for so long and Im so grateful. He never pitied me when he found out about my family and when my mom died he just helped me grieve. If he would have said any one of those cliched lines I would have attacked him.

When Liam unlocked the car, I sat in the passenger seat to escape Jacob's possessiveness. I wanted to be with Jacob but I was too tempted to just strangle him right now. Liam kept shooting reassuring glances my way since he saw my clear annoyance with Jacob.

The car ride was pleasant. Izzy mostly screamed at how excited she was that Jacob was home. Nate just sat back and laughed at how loud Izzy was. Everyone had already cringed about 5 times at Izzy's squeals. I sat in the front and talked to Liam. He told me stories about his childhood with his best friends and I told him about the adventures I been through with Izzy and Nate. Jacob shot daggers at Liam everytime Liam laughed at something I said or anytime I laughed at something Liam said. He was definitely getting on my nerves already.

"Mom wants me to stay at her house for a little." Jacob said breaking his conversation with Izzy.

"Okay, well let's go get you clothes and then we can take you to your mom's house." I was secretley happy that his mom was going to take hum for a little. I knew me and Jacob would end up arguing about Liam and I was in too good a mood for that. The car went back to seperate conversations until we dropped Izzy and Nate at Izzy's house. I also saw that Jacob kept looking down at his phone and smiling. This just made me more annoyed with him. What was so entertaining on his phone that he was constantly looking at it?

"My bro want to me you, Liam," Izzy said when we pulled up to her house. "Make sure you come back!"

"I will be. I want to meet your brother. He sounds pretty cool. I'm coming back after I drive Olive home." Liam said. My face reddened and I groaned internally. I couldn't be mad because he didn't know my problem with nicknames, but it did make everything harder since Jacob was already jealous and Liam had just let my nickname slip.

"I thought you didn't like nicknames?" Jacob asked suspiciously.

"I don't." I answered defeated. I had decided that shorter answers were better.

"She seriously doesn't, I just call her that to bother her. I guess it slipped. Sorry Olivia." Liam had quickly caught on to the problem and was trying to help the situation. I knew the double meaning behind that apology though. It was for calling me the nickname in front of Jacob not actually calling me the nickname. I had allowed Izzy to call me Ollie and Nate call me Livvy, but I never let Jacob call me anything, but Olivia. It dawned on me how much I cared for Liam. He got to call me nickname after one day, he spent the night, we texted and talked nonstop, and he we hung whenever we possibly could. I actually like Liam, but I didn't know how he felt about me and I can't forget the fact that I do have a boyfriend.

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