2: Cordelia

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"Cordelia!" Lucie said delighted as I stepped through the door of the Institute.

"Luce." I said happily as I took off my coat.

Lucie was my Parabatai, and we were basically sisters.

"It's been forever since I've seen you! How have you been?" Lucie asked as we walked to the sitting room in the Institute.

"I've been good, how about you?" I asked her.

"Absolutely dreadful. Mother keeps asking me to do things for her, for that big ball we're hosting in a week. And it's not like James helps at all-" Lucie then got cut off.

"I don't help with what?" Said James who had just walked into the living room.

My heart skipped a beat, at the sight of him. He was wearing simple pants and a shirt, but yet he looked so attractive.

"Hello Cordelia." He said with a small smile.

That's odd I thought, James was usually happier than this. I then remembered Lucie telling me that he had been acting very dreadful lately, because he had fallen in love. But with who?

"Hi." I said while blushing furiously.

"Jamie could you please- oh hello Cordelia." Aunt Tessa said with a wide smile, while walking into the living room.

"Hello." I said warmly.

"Ms. Cordelia Carstairs as beautiful as ever." Uncle Will walked in, smiling as well.

I rolled my eyes amused. Uncle Will was prejudice to all things Carstairs. He even thought Alastair was amazing, which I found very hard to believe.

He walked over and hugged me.

"How is your brother?" He asked.

"Irritating as ever, but he's well." I said and Uncle Will chuckled.

"Aunt Cecily, Uncle Gabriel, Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Henry are going to he here soon." Aunt Tessa said.

Just as she spoke there was a knock on the door. We all got up and walked to door, and Uncle Will opened it. Aunt Cecily walked in and gave Uncle Will a big hug.

"Oh Jamie, look how much you've grown!" She then fussed over James.

James had always been Aunt Cecily's favourite, and James had a big liking for her also. Uncle Gabriel then walked in, saying his hello's. Anna then walked in, looking sophisticated as ever. Alexander, and Christopher were next. Then Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Henry walked in, followed by Mathew.

"Charlotte, where's Charles?" Aunt Tessa asked her.

"He's in Idris, at the academy teaching." Aunt Charlotte replied.

We all said our hello's, and then all of us kids went to a separate room. We all sat down on the couches and talked to one another. I tried very hard to concentrate on what Mathew was saying to me, but I couldn't stop staring at James who was talking to Anna.

"Cordelia?" Mathew asked me, breaking me out of my trance.

"Um, yes?" I said.

"You're so in love with him." Mathew said with a smirk.

I groaned. "I know I am. You can't tell him."

"I already told you I wouldn't." He said.

"I know, but you two being Parabatai and all." I said.

Suddenly we heard a voice call us.

"James! Come here and bring everyone with you!" Uncle Will's voice rang out.

We all filed out of the room, and walked into the dining room where all the adults were, except there were more people.

"By the Angel, is that James?" a red haired woman asked Aunt Tessa.

"Yes it is." Aunt Tessa beamed.

"Um how does she know me, mum?" James asked confused.

"Remember how I told you, you were born in the future? Well these are our descendants that were there at the New York Institute." Aunt Tessa explained.

"I am Clary Herondale." The red haired woman spoke.

They all went down the line saying each of their names. They were Herondales, and Lightwoods. Then finally a boy spoke.

"I'm Logan Herondale." He said a bit smugly.

He then looked at me, and his mouth open a bit. This boy-Logan-was quite handsome I thought to myself. But why was he staring at me like that? Did I have something on my face?

"Cecily!" A lady named Isabelle then exclaimed, and she ran up and hugged Aunt Cecily.

I looked around, and saw Uncle Will talking to a man named Jace and Aunt Tessa was talking to Clary happily.

"This is so strange." Lucie whispered to me.

"I know." I said.

"Dinner is ready." Bridgette our cook said.

We all sat down at the table, this would be interesting I thought to myself.

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