14: Alexa

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"You look amazing!" Scarlett squealed as I twirled around in the mirror.

Today was the day of Tessa and Will's ball. I was wearing my blue gown, and Scarlett was wearing her red one. Lucie and Cordelia then walked in.

"You two look great!" Lucie exclaimed and we both smiled.

"Shall we go?" Cordelia said, and we all left.

As we walked to the ballroom, I thought of Matthew. I was very excited to see him tonight. He would be dressed in his formal clothes and he would look beautiful. As we walked down the corridor, we passed Will.

"You ladies all look beautiful." He said to all of us with a smile.

He then looked at Lucie with a bit of a smirk.

"Trying to impress Alastair, are we Lucie?" Will said with a smirk.

"Father! I don't like him!" She exclaimed.

Will just laughed and kept walking. I looked over at Scarlett who had turned very red.

"You think he's hot, don't you?" I smirked while whispering to her.

"Shut up." She said while turning more red.

I just laughed. It was kind of weird, Scarlett thought her ancestors were hot. But I had to admit, Gabriel Lightwood was pretty attractive, so I was no better.

"I hate it when he does that." Lucie complained, and we all laughed.

We reached the ballroom soon after that, and my breath was taken away. Witchlight was shining from every corner of the room, illuminating it. Food tables were against every wall. A big space was cleared in the middle of the room, for where the dancing would take place.

"This is amazing." I breathed.

"It is, isn't it." Cordelia said just as amazed.

A few minutes later I saw the boys come in, and my breath was taken away. There stood Matthew in his evening clothes. He looked beautiful. The light was hitting his hair perfectly, and his brown eyes were shining happily. When he saw me, his mouth dropped wide open.

I looked over to my side, to see Scarlett open-mouthed as well. I followed her gaze to where James stood. He looked quite good as well, but I thought that Matthew looked the best.

"Alexa." Matthew said as him Logan, and James walked up to us. "You look amazing."

I blushed. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself."

He just smiled, and my heart melted a bit.

"What is this ball for?" Scarlett then asked.

"Nothing in particular. Once a year my parents always throw a ball like this, and invite all the members of the Enclave." Lucie replied.

Tessa then walked over to us. She was wearing a pale pink gown, and her hair was half up, half down. She looked quite pretty. I noticed how much Lucie looked like her mother. They had the same pale blue eyes, and gentle face.

"You all look very nice." Tessa said with a smile.

"You look nice as well, mum." James said, actually talking for once.

Tessa just smiled at her son, also looking shocked. I heard that James had been acting out of sorts lately. Even though I didn't know James or Tessa well, I knew that it must be hard on Tessa to see her son act in such a way.

"Have any of you all seen Will?" She asked us.

"Scarlett, Alexa, Lucie, and I saw him in the corridor while walking here." Cordelia said.

"Yes. He also bugged me about Alastair again." Lucie grumbled.

Tessa and everyone else except for Scarlett, Logan, and I laughed. It must be something that Will bugs her about a lot, I thought.

"Oh sweetie, he's just teasing. Anyways I'll talk to you all later." Tessa said, leaving to go find Will.

We all then split, and went in our own directions. Scarlett and I found ourselves by the food tables. There were so many things. From cakes, to soups, to salads, to Turkey, there was everything.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Scarlett, suddenly.

"Sure." She said.

"Do you think Matthew likes me?" I asked while blushing.

She looked as she was going to say something, but then changed her mind.

"Judging by the way he freaked out when you were stung by that Ravener, I would say yes." She said with smirk.

I just blushed. I hoped she was right. About half an hour later, a slow song came on. I then saw Matthew walking up to me. As I saw him, I felt my heart beat a little bit faster.

"Alexa." He said as he reached me. "Would you like to dance?"

I smile. "Of course."

He then took my hand, and lead me to the dance floor. He put his hands on my waist, and I put mine on his shoulders. My heart was beating so fast, it felt as if it would explode.

"So, this is quite the party." I said making conversation.

Matthew chuckled a bit. "Yes I guess so. I usually like going to these."

"Really?" I asked surprised. "You don't cross me as the party boy type."

He laughed. "I know, most people guess that James would be. When he was younger at parties, you could almost always find him reading his Latin books."

"He's much different now, isn't he?" I asked.

"Ehh I don't think so. He tries to act different now, but I don't think he's fooling anyone." Matthew said with a slight smile.

We were both silent for a moment. I looked over Matthew's shoulder, to see my mother and Cecily smirking at me. Ugh my mom would never leave me alone about this now.

I looked back up at Matthew, who had a nervous expression in his face.

"I have to tell you something Alexa." He said a bit nervously.

"Yeah?" I said.

Matthew then took a deep breath. "I think I'm-"

"Matthew!" A voice called out, cutting him off.

I turned to see Charlotte-Matthew's mother-walking toward us. Matthew swore a bit and then let go of me and turned to face her.

"Oh hello Alexa." Charlotte said when she saw me, and I just smiled back.

"Matthew come say hello to your brother, he's visiting from Idris." Charlotte said to Matthew.

Mathew groaned, and turned back around to me.

"I'll talk to you later?" He says with a small smile.

"Yeah, totally." I said with a smile, and he left.

As I walked back over to where Scarlett stood. And I couldn't help but wonder, what was he going to tell me?

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