31: Matthew

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"Are you coming home to London with us, mother?" I asked her.

We all stood in the Gard, in front of portal that Clary had drawn. I had thought that it was quite strange how she was able to draw portals, but it was also quite amazing.

"No, I'm not Matty. The Clave wants me to stay here for a bit longer." She said to me, sadly.

I felt a bit sad. My mother usually got called to Idris very often, and I didn't see her much. When she was away, I usually stayed with James in the Institute.

"When will you be back?" I asked.

"In a week or two." My mother said with a small smile.

"Matthew! We have to go now." Uncle Will then called to me.

"Bye mum." I said while hugging her

I had already said goodbye to my father earlier. I had awkwardly hugged Charles too-for my mother sake-that was definitely something I did not want to do again.

"Goodbye Matthew." She said, and then I let her go.

I walked over to where James stood. He had a sad look in eye, and I felt bad for him. He had told me everything that had happened with Cordelia. Right now, he was looking at her speaking with Lucie. I hadn't thought that he would get over Grace, but it had seemed like he had.

"Are you okay?" I asked him worriedly.

He sighed. "I'm fine."

Uncle Will then told us that we could start going through the portal. After James, I stepped through the portal. I ended up in the front hall of the Institute. I smiled, I had missed it here. Alicante was beautiful, but I preferred being here.

We all then went to our rooms, to put all our things away. A few hours later, it was time for dinner. I went and knocked in Alexa's door, so we could walk down to dinner. She opened the door, and my face lit up with a smile. Alexa was the most beautiful person, I had ever seen before.

She smiled as soon as she saw it was me as well, causing me to blush a bit, and I never blushed.

"Are you ready for dinner?" I asked her.

"Yeah, let's go." Alexa said.

I took her hand, and we walked towards the dining room. We were both silent as walked, but I didn't mind. I took pleasure from just being around Alexa. When we walked into the dinning room, immediately aunt Tessa smiled amusedly at us being hand in hand.

I also noticed Alexa's mother, smiling warmly at us as well. Her mother looked a great deal like her, I thought to myself. I took a seat beside James, and she took a seat beside Scarlett, which was across from me.

I looked beside me at James, who was playing with the food on his plate. Uncle Will noticed because he said:

"Jamie, are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

James cleared his throat. "Um yes, I'm fine."

Once everyone had gone back to eating, Cordelia who was sitting close to James and I, spoke up.

"Are sure your okay?" She asked him, not convinced.

"I'm fine." James mumbled, not looking at her.

Cordelia shot me a confused look, and I just shrugged pretending like I did not know anything. I looked across the table to see Scarlett whispering something to Alexa. Alexa's eyes then went wide.

"You kissed him?!" She exclaimed very loudly, and Scarlett hit him on the shoulder.

Oh she was talking about James, I thought. He had told me that he had accidentally kissed Scarlett.

"Who did you kiss?" Scarlett's mother said, while raising her eyebrow.

"No one." Scarlett lied.

"It was probably James." Logan smirked.

Scarlett then turned very, very red. "No."

James also looked equally embarrassed himself. I saw uncle Will looking at James, and I could tell that he knew that James had kissed Scarlett. I then looked over Cordelia, who was wearing a very shocked expression on her face.

"Never mind that." Alexa's mother said, while standing up. "I have an important announcement."

"We have all talked about it, and we have decided that us New Yorkers, will be going back home in two days." She announced.

I felt my heart sink. Alexa would be leaving as well. This was the part that I didn't prepare myself for. The part where she would have to leave.

"What?!" Alexa exclaimed.

"Yes, we had to go back someday honey." Her mother said to her sadly.

Alexa then got up and stormed off. I found myself getting and walking away too. I didn't go after her, instead I went out the doors of the Institute and threw myself numbly onto the steps.

"Are you alright, Matthew?" Auntie Jessamine said, while appearing beside me.

"Alexa's leaving." I mumbled numbly.

"That girl you are seeing?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"Oh Matthew, I'm so very sorry." Aunt Jessie said sadly.

I didn't say anything. There was nothing I could say. Then suddenly auntie Jessamine disappeared, and I wondered why. My question was answered when James came and sat down beside me.

"I can't believe she's leaving." I mumbled. "I should have prepared myself for this."

"There was nothing you could have done. We can't help who we love." James said.

"I'm afraid that, that is very true." I said.

James then sat with me for the next hour. We didn't say anything, we just sat there in silence. I was drowning in my thoughts. How was I going to live with Alexa?

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