5: Lucie

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"Lucie honey, wake up." I heard a voice say.

My eyes fluttered open, to my mother standing beside my bed. She was wearing a blue dress, and he hair was down. She wore a worried expression on face. Oh no Jamie I thought, what have you done now?

"Have you seen James?" She asked a bit frantically.

Dread went through me. "No I haven't."

My mother sighed. "Your father and I cannot find him anywhere."

"I'll find him." I said. "I'll take Mathew with me, he'll know where he is."

After that I speedily got dressed, and walked into the dining room. Everyone was sat at the table eating breakfast. There's no time for breakfast today, I thought. I walked up to Mathew.

"Where's James?" I asked.

"Isn't he still sleeping?" He said confused.

"No he's not." My father said.

Cordelia then spoke up. "I ran into him last night at about three in the morning. He said he was going out."

"At that time?" Aunt Cecily said worriedly.

"We must go find him." I said.

"I'll come with you." Mathew said standing up.

"Me too." Cordelia said.

"Scarlett, Logan you go too." Clary said.

"Alexa, you too." Isabelle said.

The three of them awkwardly got up and joined us. I noticed Mathew staring at Alexa, and I nudged him a bit.

"Um okay, let's go then." Cordelia said and we left.

We all walked out into the streets of London. Even in the morning, it was still very busy. I looked behind us, Alexa and Scarlett were talking rapidly to each other and Logan was staring at Cordelia.

"Why is Logan staring at you?" I asked Cordelia.

"I don't know. I saw him last night in the library, and he was flirting with me. It was all quite strange." She whispered back.

"Someone has crush on you." I said in a singsong voice.

She then hit me on the shoulder lightly, and I laughed.

"Hey so where do you guys think James is?" Alexa asked.

Mathew just stared at her for about ten seconds before he answered. He really needed to stop doing that.

"Probably the Devil's Tavern." He said.

"What's that?" Scarlett asked.

"It's a bar." Cordelia said.

"He promised mum and dad that he would stop drinking." I muttered.

"I take it, that he is very mischievous?" Scarlett said.

"Not usually." I said. "Just lately he's been like this. I wish I knew why."

"Do you know why Mathew?" Alexa asked.

Mathew blushed. What? Mathew never blushed, he must really like this girl.

"No I don't." He said, but I could tell he was lying.

We reached the Devil's Tavern, and we all walked in. The place was almost deserted except for the odd Downworlder sitting at a table here and there.

"There he is." Mathew muttered.

I finally spotted James. He was out cold on one of the tables in the back of the room. Oh for the love of the Angel James, I thought.

I got a glass of water from the werewolf behind the bar. I then walked over to James and splashed it on his face. He shouted and snapped up.

"What the hell Lucie!?" He shouted.

"That'll teach you for sneaking out in the middle of the night. Again!" I said angrily. "What do you think you're doing scaring mom and dad like that?"

James's eyes then widened. "Oh, I forgot about them."

I rolled my eyes at him. "What's been wrong with you James?"

He just looked past me, and he smiled when he saw Mathew.

"Mathew make her stop." Jamie said.

"No James, your not getting off this one-" I started but Cordelia cut me off.

"Oh Luce, just leave him alone for now. Your parents will finish the rest." She said.

I just huffed impatiently. James had to stop being so careless, my parents had been so worried about him lately. We all walked back to Institute. James was speaking quietly with Matthew. I wonder if they were talking about who James loved.

I looked over to Cordelia, who was staring aimlessly at James. Why was she doing that lately? So many questions, and I knew that answers to none of them.

As soon as we got home I marched into the drawing room, where I knew my parents would be. Jamie would not get away with this, this time.

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