11: Scarlett

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I walked around the Institute bored out of my mind. Where was Alexa? I hadn't seen her all day. Earlier I had walked past James, and by the Angel he was attractive. He has said hello to me, and I melted inside. Random thought, I know.

I walked around aimlessly, for a bit longer. I found myself outside my parents room. I'll go talk to mom I thought to myself. I was just about to walk in, when I heard my parents talking.

"Your making a big deal about this, Clary." I heard my father say frustratedly.

"Your not taking this seriously enough, Jace!" My mother exclaimed.

"Are you sure that?-" My father trailed off.

"Yes, Tessa had brother Zachariah look at me, and he said it was for sure." My mother said distressed.

What? I thought confused. My parents rarely argued, sure they would tease each other but they never argued for real. I was so lost in my thoughts, that I walked right into Logan.

"Scarlett! I've been looking for you." He said." Have you seen Cordelia anywhere?"

I chuckled a bit. "You really need to leave that girl alone. Can't you tell she likes James?"

"She likes James?" Logan asked shocked.

"Yeah, can't you tell?" I said.

"Whatever that doesn't matter. I'll still get her to like me." He said with a smirk.

Logan then started to walk away.

"Wait Logan!" I called after him.

"Yeah?" He said turning around to face me.

"I just heard mom and dad arguing in their room." I said a bit worriedly.

"Arguing? They never argue." Logan said surprised. "What were they saying?"

"I don't know. Dad said that mom was making too big of a deal out of something-I don't know what- and then mom said he wasn't taking it serious enough." I explained.

"Huh, weird." He said puzzled.

Just then we heard commotion coming from the front hall of the Institute. Logan and I walked down to the front hall, and Tessa, Will, Mathew were there. Mathew was holding Alexa in his arms bridal style, and her eyes were closed. Dread went through me.

"What happened to her?" I exclaimed as I raced toward my Parabatai.

"We were at Hyde park and then all of the sudden a pack of Raveners came up to us. One of them stung her, before I could stop it." Mathew said very rushed, and worried.

"Mathew carry her to the infirmary quickly, I'll go call Jem- the silent brothers." Will said and we all rushed in different directions.

I walked with Mathew all the way to the infirmary. He carefully laid Alexa down in a bed, and I took a proper look at her. Her eyes were gently closed, and there were a few scratches on her face. You could see puncture marks on her neck from the Raveners sting.

Pretty soon Brother Zachariah came. Only a few people were allowed with her in the room, so Aunt Izzy and Uncle Simon, Max, James, Mathew, and Will all stayed. James only stayed for Mathew's support. Brother Zachariah leant down and touched Alexa's forehead.

"What's wrong with her Jem?" Will asked worriedly, not bothering to use Jem's new name.

"The Ravener poison has gone deep into her body." His voice rang out in our minds.

"This is all my fault." Mathew said while breaking away from the death grip that James had, had on his arm.

"It's not your fault Mathew." Aunt Isabelle said softly.

"If only I had gotten to that demon quicker I-" He broke off and put his head in his hands.

James came over and put his hand on Mathew's shoulder.

"There was nothing you could do." He said sadly.

"I can attempt to remove the poison out of Ms. Lightwood's body, but it will take time." Brother Zachariah said.

"Do whatever you have to do." Uncle Simon said sadly, while holding Alexa's hand.

I held Alexa's other hand tightly. Please Raziel, let her be okay. We all filed out of the infirmary so brother Zachariah could try to help Alexa. As soon as we stepped outside the infirmary my mother engulfed Uncle Simon and Aunt Isabelle. They all then walked away, and everyone slowly dispersed.

As I was about to walk away, I noticed Mathew who was still stood outside of the door.

"It's not your fault, you know." I said while walking towards him.

"Yes it is." He said, turning to face me. "I should have killed that demon as soon as I saw it coming towards her, but I froze in shock. She'll never forgive me now."

Mathew then frustratedly punched a wall, afterward he didn't even seemed dazed. I looked at him, hard. His blonde hair was messy, and his brown eyes were dark. He was quite attractive, but not as attractive as James, I thought. Oh stop Scarlett your Parabatai's being operated on and your thinking about hot boys, I said to myself mentally.

"It is important to you if she forgives you?" I asked him.

He looked at me like I was stupid. "Of course it matters to me, I-" He broke up abruptly.

"You love her don't you." I said with a bit of a smirk.

Mathew looked away from me, his cheeks turning red. He does love her! I thought excitedly.

"Please don't tell her." He begged me.

"I won't." I assured him.

"Do you, um, know if she likes me?" Mathew asked me.

She does I thought, but I'd let her tell him herself.

"To be honest, I don't know she hasn't told me anything."I said.

"Mathew." A voice said from behind us.

I turned around to see James, walking towards Mathew. His black hair was tousled, and his golden eyes were shining. By the Angel he's hot I thought to myself. Oh no, I had a crush on him. Good going Scarlett.

James and Mathew then started to talk amongst themselves, and I walked away. As I walked I prayed that Alexa would be okay. She had to be.

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