13: Cordelia

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A few days after the whole incident with Alexa and Matthew, things were starting to get back to normal. I had never seen Matthew so distressed before, he must really love Alexa.

Today Lucie had realized that we needed new dresses, for the ball her parents were throwing. We then decided to ask Scarlett and Alexa if they wanted to come and buy dresses as well. They agreed excitedly, and currently we were walking toward the doors of the Institute.

"Where are you ladies going?" A voice said from behind us.

I turned around to see Logan, Matthew, and James standing behind us. I tried not to blush when I saw James, but of course I couldn't help it. He was just so beautiful. He was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. People say that Uncle Will used to be beautiful like that too.

"Well? Where are you all going?" James asked again.

"We're going to go buy dresses for mother and father's ball their throwing." Lucie replied to James. "I doubt you'd all want to come."

"I want to go. I would love to see Cordelia trying on dresses." Logan said with a smirk, and I turned terribly red.

"Oh leave her alone Logan." Scarlett said to him.

"It's none of your business, Scarlett. We all know you think James is so hot." Logan said rolling his eyes.

Scarlett then turned very very red, embarrassedly. I looked over at James who had turned very bright red as well.

"I will kill you one day, Logan." Scarlett said angrily to her brother.

"It's okay don't be embarrassed, it wasn't like I didn't already know that I was attractive." James smirked.

Yup, there was his Uncle Will side coming out.

"Oh do stop being so arrogant, James." Lucie complained. "So are you all coming?"

Matthew just shrugged his shoulders, and started walking towards us. Logan and James followed and we all started to walk into town. The sun was shining brightly, and the birds were chirping loudly.

On the way there, Scarlett and Logan would not stop arguing. And quite
frankly, it was annoying.

"Oh your just getting angry, because I'm a better fighter than you are." Logan taunted her.

Scarlett scoffed. "We all know that I'm better than you. Ask Austin."

"Austin just agree's with everything you say, because he thinks you'll be get mad at him too. Dad said that I was the best the fighter of all three of us." Logan boasted.

"Yeah, he said that when you were ten and if he didn't, you would start to cry." Scarlett fired back.

"I'll have you know-" Logan started angrily.

"By the Angel, can the both of you shut your traps!" Matthew exclaimed loudly.

Alexa giggled at his outburst, and Matthew smiled at her turning red. Their so cute I thought to myself. I found myself walking along side James. He had his hands jammed into his pockets, and he was looking down at his feet silently.

I wanted to say something to him, but I didn't know what. Plus, he didn't look like he wanted anyone to talk to him. We reached the street with all the dress shops within ten minutes. Alexa, Scarlett, Lucie, and I raced into my favourite shop and all the boys slowly filed in after us.

"Ah, hello Ms. Carstairs. Brought some friends with you?" Said Mary the shop owner.

"You could say that." I said with a smile, if only she knew.

"What are you all looking for today?" She asked.

"Four dresses for a ball." I explained.

"No problem, let's get started!" Mary exclaimed.

She lead us all to the back of the store where there were chairs. All the boys took a seat, and Mary lead us girls to where all the dresses were. I ended up trying on a more fitted purple dress. Lucie was wearing a pink dress, Scarlett was wearing a red one, and Alexa was wearing a blue one.

We all then walked out to where all the boys sat. As soon as Matthew saw Alexa his jaw dropped open, and James had nudge him. I looked away from them to see Logan wide-eyed staring at me.

"Cordelia." He said. "You look amazing."

I blushed furiously. "Thank you." I said.

Then all of the sudden James spoke up.

"He's right, you look beautiful Cordelia." James said with a bit of a smile.

My heart stopped. Did he just call me beautiful? By the Angel, is this happening? I looked over at Matthew who was smirking at me. James just called me beautiful my mind said again.

It took about two more hours, but we all finally chose our dresses. Oddly enough, they were the ones we had first tried on. As we walked back to the Institute I felt someone tug my arm. I turned around to see James.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked.

"Yes." I said automatically.

"Luce, we'll catch up with you all later." I said to Lucie.

James and I walked to Blackfriars Bridge. I leaned forward to see Thames rushing underneath it. Every time I came here, I still thought it was pretty.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I asked him.

"Yesterday Matthew hinted that someone close to me might fancy me." James started.

Oh no Matthew's told him, I thought. My whole body froze in fear.

"And I was wondering, if you had any idea of who it is?" He finished.

I internally let out a sigh of relief. Thank the Angel, Matthew didn't tell him. If I did, I would have had his head.

"No I don't know who fancies you." I lied.

James sighed, and looked into the distance. I stared at him a bit. His golden eyes were focused on whatever he was looking at, and his hair was falling a bit into his eyes.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked me suddenly. snapping me out of my trance.

"I wasn't." I lied.

"Yes you were. Why?" He asked curiously.

"Your eyes, they're really beautiful." I blurted out.

Why did I say that?! I screamed to myself. I'm such an idiot sometimes. James just chuckled a bit, it was the first time I had heard him laugh in awhile.

"Well thank you Cordelia." He said. "I happen to think that your eyes are very beautiful, as well."

My heart stopped. That was two beautiful's in one day, that was like some sort of record or something.

"Thank you." I finally got out.

"We should go back." James said, and we started to walk back.

I looked at him again. Now he had a slightest bit of a smile on his face, and his cheeks glowed just the tiniest bit. One day I'll tell you James, I thought. One day.

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