20: Cordelia

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I sat at the breakfast for the first time in two days. I was sitting across from James, and I was trying my best not to look at him. I had been so hurt after he had left on the dance floor, for Grace. I didn't know why I had expected anything different, though.

I mean, I was just Cordelia his sister's Parabatai. It wasn't like I was anything special to him. Breakfast went by quickly, and I found myself walking back to my room. While I was walking, Lucie stopped me.

"Cordelia! Don't go back to your room." Lucie said while coming up beside me.

"I told you I'm not feeling well Luce." I lied.

"Don't lie. I figured out why your upset." She said.

She then gave me a look, and I knew for sure that she knew the real reason I was upset.

"How do you know?" I asked frantically.

"James said you had been staring at him, and my father said that he saw you walk out of the ballroom, upset after James stopped dancing with you. I put two and two together." Lucie explained.

I sighed, and she gave a sympathetic look.

"It's okay Cordy." She tried to comfort me. "Hey how about we go to Hyde park, just you and I."

"Okay, fine." I gave in, and we started to walk to the doors of Institute.

We had almost reached the doors, when we saw Matthew, Alexa, Scarlett, Logan, and James. Matthew and Alexa were hand in hand. He must have told her he loves her, I thought to myself. I avoided looking at James, and for once I succeeded.

"Where are you two going?" Matthew asked Lucie and I.

Oh no he's going to want to come along, and if he comes James will come too.

"Hyde park." Lucie replied.

"Ooh I want to go." He exclaimed, and him and Alexa walked toward us.

Everyone else slowly trailed behind, and we started to walk out the doors. Auntie Jessamine was in front of us as soon as we walked out. She was smirking at Matthew and Alexa.

"Matthew Fairchild, do you have yourself a girlfriend?" She asked with a smirk.

"Aunt Jessie." Matthew complained, blushing furiously.

Aunt Jessie laughed. "I'm only teasing. Have fun all of you." She then disappeared.

I had always thought how Auntie Jessamine felt to be a ghost. She always seemed so happy and full of life. I knew that she hadn't always been that way, though. I knew that she had betrayed Aunt Tessa and Uncle Will, and Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Henry. They had never told us what she betrayed them for and for who, and I had always wondered.

I was so lost in my thought, that I hadn't realized that we had reached Hyde park. We all took a seat underneath a tree, and I looked around. It was a beautiful summer day, and there was green everywhere you looked.

"We should play truth or dare again!" Lucie exclaimed.

"You and your games Lucie." James said amused.

"I'll start." Lucie said, ignoring her brother.

"James truth or dare?" She asked.

"Truth." He replied.

"If you had to choose, you would you fancy in this circle?" Lucie asked with a bit of smirk on her face.

James looked at her, with a bit of irritation.

"Cordelia." He said simply, while looking at the ground.

My heart fluttered at his words. He would pick me! I thought. I wasn't overly excited though, it wasn't like that meant anything.

"Scarlett, truth or dare?" James asked.

Scarlett's head snapped up, at the sound of James saying her name. She had also turned incredibly red.

"Truth." She mumbled.

He then smirked. "Who do you think is the most attractive person, sitting in this circle."

He had asked her because he knew the answer was him. Sometimes James could be arrogant.

"You." Scarlett mumbled, red as a tomato.

James then smirked and winked at her, causing her to almost faint.

"Oh don't tease her, Jamie." Lucie said.

Scarlett then asked Logan, and he asked Alexa. Alexa asked Matthew, and then Matthew asked me.

"Cordelia, truth or dare." He asked.

"Truth." I replied.

"Who do you fancy?" Matthew asked with a devilish smirk.

He already knew, he just wanted to make me say it in front of James. Speaking of James, he leaned forward, intrigued by the question.

"No one." I lied, shooting him daggers.

"Oh c'mon, you must like someone." He pressed me.

"Um-well-I." I stuttered.

"She fancies Charles." Lucie blurted out.

Charles? That's the best she could have come up with. James looked stunned, and Matthew burst out with a howl of laugher.

"Yes, I fancy Charles." I lied.

"I'll be sure to tell him." Matthew smirked, and I glared at him.

The game then ended, and everyone started to walk around the park. I found myself walking to one of the duck ponds. I stopped in front of it, and watched the ducks aimlessly swim around.

"Cordelia." A voice said and my chest tightened.

"James." I said as I turned around to face him.

He walked up and stood beside me. His expression was blank.

"Are you okay? Lucie said that haven't been feeling well lately." James asked me suddenly.

"Yes, I just had a bit of a headache." I lied.

"How come I feel that, that is not the reason why." He said, and I was surprised.

"Just tell me Daisy. You helped me with Grace, and it seems only fair that I help you now." James said, his golden eyes looking into my brown ones.

"Well I have this friend-he lives in Idris- and I have to tell him something terribly important, and I cannot seem to find a way to tell him. I also am a little frightened of what he will say." I said finally.

What I really meant, was that I needed to tell James I loved him him and I could not find a way. And that I was afraid to tell him. James looked at me for a second.

"I think," He started. "You just need to pull him aside one day and just tell him. And I also think that you should not be frightened of what he will say. If he is a good friend, he will kind about what you have to tell him." James finished.

I just sighed. "I hope so."

"Cordelia!" I heard Lucie calling my name.

"I should go see what she wants. Thank you James." I said while starting to walk away from him.

"Wait, can I ask you something." He asked.

I turned around. "Of course."

James's face then broke into a smirk. "Do you actually like Charles?"

I chuckled. "No I do not."

He laughed as well. "I didn't think so."

I then walked away, with the slightest smile on my face.

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