6: Will

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I paced back and forth in the drawing room.

"He'll be fine Will." Tessa said hopefully.

"He has to stop doing this Tessa." I said. "Doesn't he know he's going to get sent to Idris for his reckless behaviour?"

Tessa sighed. "I know."

"I mean, he doesn't care about what other people see him as, and he thinks his life is all one big joke!" I exclaimed.

"Sound familiar?" Tessa said with a little bit of a smirk.

I laughed a bit. "Oh c'mon Tess, I wasn't that bad was I?"

"No. You were worse." She said while laughing.

"Well one thing is for certain, something it definitely bothering him." I declared.

"I wish we knew what it was." Tessa replied, exasperated.

Just then a red faced Lucie stormed into the room. James followed causally behind her. He was looking at the floor lazily, with his hands jammed in his pockets.

"James." Tessa said standing up.

"Mom." Lucie started angrily. "We found him in the Devil's Tavern, passed out cold from the alcohol."

"Jamie is that true?" Tessa asked shocked.

"The Angel knows what else he did." Lucie said irritated.

"Thank you sweetie." I said. "Can you please leave us with Jamie now?"

Begrudgingly she left, but not without glaring at James. It was just the three of us then. James went and took a seat on the armchair beside the window.

"James Herondale." I started angrily." You are in so much-" but Tessa cut me off.

"William stop. James what did you do last night?" She asked warmly but seriously at the same time.

He was silent for a moment. "I decided to go out for a walk, and I ended up at the Devil's Tavern. From there I have no idea." He said without any shame.

Tessa sighed deeply.

"James, what about when you promised to stop drinking?" Tessa said sadly.

"I'm sorry mum." He mumbled.

"James, what's been going on with you lately? You've been acting so reckless, and your not yourself." I asked him.

He looked away, and I stared at him for a moment. As Lucie was all Tessa, James was all me. The same cheekbones and dark hair. The only thing that was different was his golden eyes, that he got from Tessa's warlock blood.

"There's nothing wrong with me." James finally said.

"Just tell us Jamie." Tessa said gently.

"There's nothing wrong." He said again, looking at me this time.

I looked at him hardly. There was a slight redness to his cheeks, and his eyes were a bit dilated. And I think I had figured out why.

"You're in love aren't you." I said, and James's eyes widened.

"What? No I'm not." He said quickly.

"Who is it?" I asked with a smirk.

"I don't love anyone." He said.

"Is it Cordelia?" I asked.

"What? No! Mum please tell him to stop." James pleaded.

"Will, don't bug him." Tessa said. "You can leave now Jamie." And James got up and left.

"I'm telling you Tess, he's in love." I said.

She just chuckled. "Well let me know when you figure out who it is."

She then kissed me on the cheek and left. A few minutes later, Cecily walked in. Cecily still looked the same after all these years, but you could see how she had grown into a mother.

"Did you find Jamie?" She asked while taking a seat beside me.

"Yup. He passed out at the Devil's Tavern." I sighed. "Tessa and I don't know what to do with him."

"Do you know why he's been acting like this?" Cecily asked.

"I think he's in love, but I'm not sure with who." I said.

"Well he was looking at Grace Blackthorn quite oddly yesterday." Cecily said.

I then remembered James's face when Tessa had brought her up in the past. Cecily got it, James loved Grace.

"Cecy you got it!" I exclaimed. "I have to go tell Tessa."

She just laughed. "Don't get too excited Will. If you only you had gotten that excited, when I told you I loved Gabriel."

I groaned. "Please do not speak of it. That was not a happy time for me, Cecily."

As I walked out of the room I heard her laugh, and I felt a smile creep up on my face as well.

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