3: James

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I sat at the dinner table, beside Lucie and Mathew. Mathew was staring at the girl across from him, Alexa Lightwood I thought her name was. This was very odd, our descendants from the future were sitting at the same table as us.

"Anna, can you pass me the salad?" Aunt Cecily asked.

"By the Angel, this is Anna?" Isabelle said shocked. "She looks just like you!"

Aunt Cecily smiled happily, and Anna smiled but only a person who knew her well could tell that she felt very uncomfortable. Dinner went by, with all the adults telling stories from my parents and my aunt's and uncle's were in the future.

"And when James would only stop crying with when Cecily would hold him." My mother said chuckling.

I smiled a bit at that. Aunt Cecily had always been my favourite aunt, and I knew that I was her favorite nephew. I looked up to see that Cordelia staring at me, as soon she saw that I was looking she looked away. I had been catching her doing that lately, it was very peculiar.

After dinner, my mother told Mathew and I to take Logan, Austin, and Max to their room. Lucie and Cordelia would take Alexa, and Scarlett to their rooms.

The five of us walked awkwardly along the halls of the Institute.

"That girl Alexa is really attractive." Mathew blurted out, and I debated whether or not to punch him in the face. Why in the world would he just suddenly blurt that out?

"That's my sister." Max said a little weirded out.

"Well I'll tell you what, you have one good looking-" Mathew started.

"That's enough Mathew." I cut him off.

"Well, I think that Cordelia girl is pretty hot." Logan smirked.

I felt something go through me, jealousy? No it couldn't be.

"Could you please stop for ten minutes." Austin rolled his eyes.

"Stop what?" Logan asked.

"Being you." Austin said and Mathew and I laughed.

"So you're a Herondale?" Logan asked me.

"Um yes." I said.

He just smirked at me, this guy is a little weird I thought.

"Why do you have golden eyes?" Logan asked.

Memories of the Shadowhunter academy came back to me, but I pushed them back down.

"My mother is part warlock, part Shadowhunter." I said simply, and Logan just looked at me.

Austin, Logan and Max all got settled in, and we walked back to the living room of the Institute. I heard new voices coming from the room, and when I saw who it was my heart skipped a beat.

There stood Grace Blackthorn. She was wearing a pale blue dress, and her blonde curls were falling gracefully down her shoulders. She stood silently beside her adoptive mother, Tatiana Blackthorn.

As soon as she saw me she looked to floor. My cheeks went red, and I looked away as well. She had made a fool out of me, but yet I still loved her.


"I'm in love with you, Grace." I blurted out.

We were at Hyde park. I had told her to meet me here, so I could finally tell her how I felt.

Grace suddenly started to laugh. It wasn't a kind sort of laugh, it was more of a sarcastic sort of laugh.

"You don't love me James." She said.

"Yes I do." I said.

"Well I don't love you, so don't waste your time." Grace said and then she walked away leaving me.


Even after that, I still loved her. I hadn't been myself since then. Lucie and my mother and father had noticed something was wrong with me. The only person who knew of my feelings for Grace, was Mathew.

"James, please come say hello to Tatiana and Grace." My mother said warmly.

I walked up to Tatiana. She was wearing a bored expression and eventually hugged me. I then moved into Grace, who wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"Hello." She mumbled and I muttered a hello back.

As I walked back to Mathew, my father stopped me.

"Are you alright?" He asked, his blue eyes full with worry.

"I'm fine." I muttered and went to stand beside Mathew.

"Was it bad?" Mathew whispered to me.

"Horrible." I said.

"You'll get over her." He said hopefully.

I'll never get over her, I thought. I looked over to my right and saw Lucie staring at me, with her icy blue eyes. I just rolled my eyes, she had been adamant on figuring out what was wrong with me.

Then there was Cordelia. Like always she was staring at me with a weird gaze. Why does she always do that? I thought to myself.

"Why is Cordelia staring at me?" I asked Mathew.

"Um-uhh" He stuttered nervously. "Oh who knows, girls are weird."

"Okay." I said.

I didn't believe that was why, of course. Mathew had never kept anything from me, why was he now? I just shook it off, I had other things to worry about.

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