33: Cordelia

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The day before the New Yorkers were going to leave, was a gloomy one. Everyone was silent, all feeling the sadness of them leaving. I felt it as well, I did not want Logan or any of them to leave.

I knew that it was hardest on Matthew and Alexa. They had been spending every spare second together. I found myself feeling quite sad, that Logan was leaving. I had realized that I fancied a bit, and as soon as I had realized it, he had to leave.

There was also something wrong with James. I hadn't spoken to him in a few days, and he seemed to be avoiding me. I didn't know why, of course. I hope I hadn't done anything to offend him. Though, lately I had been catching him giving me strange stares.

Currently, I was sitting in Lucie's room. She was talking about the story had just finished.

"I have decided what I'm going to name the first book, about my mother experience in London!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"What?" I asked with a smile.

"Clockwork angel!" Lucie said with a smile.

"Why that?" I asked curiously.

"My mother had spoken many times of how the angel had saved her life. It had just came to me today that, that was I should title the story." Lucie explained.

"Well congratulations on finishing your first book, Luce." I said to her with a smile.

"Thank you, Cordy." She said with a bright smile.

"What do you plan on writing about next?" I asked her.

"I've actually started already. I'm writing it about Jesse Blackthorn." She said.

"Jesse Blackthorn?" I asked surprised. "Why him?"

"I'm not sure to be honest. There's just something about him that interests me." Lucie said.

"Luce, he's dead." I said as gently as I could.

"I know, but there's still something that intrigues me about him." She said.

"What if Tatiana succeeds in bringing him back to life?" I asked.

Lucie waved it off. "The Clave would not let that happen. Besides, their talking to almost every warlock to see if they know anything about the situation."

"And their cooperating?" I asked surprisingly.

"Hardly." She said. "But in the end, they give in. Their all too afraid of the Clave to put up much of a fight."

We were then silent for a moment.

"Have you spoken to James lately?" Lucie asked me.

"No, have you?" I replied.

"No. There is something bothering him and he will not tell me. You know how he gets like that." She said annoyedly.

"What do you think it's about?" I asked her.

"Probably something to do with Grace Blackthorn." Lucie said. "Or at least I think. With Jamie you never can tell."

That bit was true. James was a strange boy, but I loved him nevertheless. Sometimes I wished that I didn't, because I knew that he would never love me back. I had accepted that awhile ago, though.

Aunt Tessa then called us to dinner. When Lucie and I arrived at the dining hall, everyone was already sitting down. We room our seats beside each other, and I couldn't help but notice the silence throughout the room. Of course, everyone was sad about how they all had to leave tomorrow.

I looked over Alexa and Matthew. They were whispering quietly to one another, and they looked sad. I then looked over at James, who was already staring at me. As soon as he saw me looking, he hurriedly looked away. Why is he being so strange? I thought to myself frustratedly.

Just then uncle Will stood up. I heard Scarlett-who was sitting to my left- sigh a little. Oh right I thought, she thinks uncle Will is attractive. Uncle Will was very attractive I'll admit, but I thought that James was much better.

"As you all know, this is our last dinner with our guests from the future. So I would like to make toast, to say goodbye." Uncle Will said, while raising his glass.

Everyone then raised their glass, and then took a sip. I found myself looking at Logan, who was laughing at something his brother Austin was saying. He then surprisingly looked at me, and smiled. I smiled and looked away.

I thought about our kiss. Logan had been my first kiss, and it had been amazing. I still felt a bit embarrassed when I saw James, because he had seen Logan and I. After dinner I started to feel very tired, so I decided to go to sleep.

I laid in bed that night, thinking of the New Yorkers time here. They had, had a big impact on my life. I won't forget them, I thought as I drifted into sleep.

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