Chapter 24

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Yeah, so it's been a while. Honestly, I lost interest in writing for a while, and while it's not completely back yet, I'm trying to push through it and get back into this hobby that I loved.

I still love all the characters I've made very much, even though Shion is the explicit definition of an ass. xD

So here I am, a few years later. I hope I haven't lost my touch.

Though I suppose that's a job for you guys to tell me. ;P

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It was an odd experience not waking up in one's own bed. Usually, it would give someone a spark of panic, though on this occasion being buried under blankets that smelt of someone else felt nice. Safe, even. Bleary-eyed and brain full of fog, Kyoya's sleep-crusted eyes looked up at the unfamiliar blurry ceiling for a minute before the smell of eggs wafted in through the crack of the door and hit his nose. It was now the second time he's woken up in this small room that Shion called his bedroom.

Sitting up, Kyoya rubbed the sleep out of his eyes that stubbornly clung to him and looked over to Shion's bedside clock. Narrowing his eyes, he closed them for a moment and read it again, making sure that the digital display wasn't faulty. It was indeed 8:00 AM, and as if to taunt him, the clock continued its task of keeping time, now showing 8:01 AM. Even if his mind didn't want to wake up, his body told him otherwise as his stomach requested that the source of that delightful smell be promptly deposited in his maw. Kyoya put on his glasses with a well-practised motion and stretched as a few cracks resounded, his body protesting from sleeping on an unfamiliar bed. He would usually be irritable getting up at such an early time on a weekend, but he was already alert enough to not be able to go back to sleep.

Opening the door, Kyoya stepped out to see Shion tending to the stovetop, and before he could open his mouth, Shion spoke without even turning around, "Go ahead and wash up. I was actually about to drag you out." Shion laughed when Kyoya just grunted in response and trudged over to the washroom.

The first thing he did was take off his glasses and wash his face with crisp, cold water. The shock of the temperature flushed the remaining drowsiness right out of him. Turning the tap off, Kyoya took a moment and just took a breath. Noticing the spare toothbrush that Shion had set out for him, he squeezed some toothpaste on and started brushing, eyes wandering the room and noticing small details as he idly glanced around. A cracked tile here, a small break in the ceiling there... Eventually, as he finished and spat into the sink, he rinsed his face once more and looked at himself, a small tug of curiosity pulling at him. He blinked almost owlishly, surprised that he, Ootori Kyoya, wanted to snoop around Shion's flat. He was above such things, well, doing it himself at least. That's something he would get the Twins to do for him, and he was stooping to their level.

I shouldn't...

He gave in to the urge.

Quietly, Kyoya opened the medicine cabinet door and took a look at what was inside. There wasn't anything too surprising—some bandaids, a first aid kit, medication with a brand that Kyoya didn't recognise. Under the sink was a surplus of toilet paper, extra towels and face cloths. Nothing controversial, and nothing for Kyoya to be surprised about. Surprisingly normal.

He just hasn't checked the right areas.

Finishing up, Kyoya returned and Shion had just finished plating the last egg before garnishing it with a bit of parsley on top. Granted, it wasn't fresh, but he did not expect gourmet. With two plates in hand, Shion set them on the table. A classic breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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