Chapter 17

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Heya guys! I'm excited about this chapter, don't really know why—probably because as I wrote this AN I have yet to actually write the chapter, and thus wonder what I'm going to write about for this one.

That ^ was before. Now I'm embarrassed and excited at the same time.

Welp, I wrote this all in one go. I'm dead tired. NEED SLEEP BUT SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK.

A warning for some mild/descriptive sexual themes. Huehuehue.

Also, sorry for any typos or grammatical errors, my sleep-deprived brain is lagging and I felt that I should upload this right away. I'll come back later and fix the small things.

Happy reading!

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"Lean slightly forward or backwards to turn. Like how when you skate you use the edges of the blades to turn." Shion instructed.

"Yeah, I think I got that." Haruhi was hyper-focused trying to go down the hill by going back and forth. "Uh... H–how do I stop again?"


Haruhi looked away from the hill to look at Shion beside her—she didn't like that Shion was just wearing jeans and a jacket. It was cold out and she doubted that the scarf he had helped much with the wind going downhill—with a disapproving look. "Really? I'm so glad that I chose you to teach me." Shion laughed at her sarcasm, "No seriously though, how do I—ah, stop!"

Shion caught her before she fell over and helped her get upright again. "Snowplow," Shion demonstrated by sliding the right side of his board to get on his heels edge. "You turn and lean to cut into the snow, ploughing it to slow down."


"What do you mean, oh." Haruhi just shrugged her shoulders. Shion huffed, "Well—"

"HEY!" Shion and Haruhi looked sharply behind them to see the twins rocketing down the hill towards them, they went around them and purposely snow ploughed around them to make snow kick up at the two. "See ya!"

Shion brushed the snow off of himself—he got the brunt of the hit—and glowered, "Haruhi... do you mind if I leave you for a bit? There are no obstacles for the rest of the beginner hill."

Haruhi almost laughed, she knew that Shion was going to get them back. "Go for it, I'll go slow and see the show."

She saw Shion grin savagely and crouch to gain speed down the hill. Meanwhile, Haruhi had generic rented gear, all browns and greys. She just watched Shion speed down towards the two at the bottom of the hill.

The redheads high fived as they came to a stop at the bottom, "Haha! That was great!" "The look on his face!" They snickered to themselves.

Kyoya, who was observing from the bottom of the hill, felt some worry for the twins when he saw who was coming after the two mischief makers. "You may want to look behind you."

"Hmm?" When they turned around to look at what Kyoya was talking about, Shion was about twenty feet away and still going at top speed. "Oh." "Oh no."

Shion swiftly got into a steeply angled snowplough as he approached the twins. He was leaning towards the ground at about thirty degrees and decelerated quickly, kicking a whole ton of loose snow up at them. They were hit hard enough that they fell back onto their asses.

Shion blinked and looked around as if there was a fly buzzing around him, "Oh sorry, I remembered that I owed you guys something," he said listlessly and unclipped a foot off his board so he could be ready to go back up the lift, "I was just returning the favour."

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