Chapter 12

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"Hakuba! Hakuba! What is this white powder in the briefcase?!" Tamaki shrieked, thinking that it was some sort of drug. They were cleaning up the club room from the mafia event and came across a briefcase.

A briefcase filled to the brim with small plastic baggies that had white powder in them.

"Don't worry Suoh, it's not drugs. Seriously, why the hell would I bring drugs to school anyways? Who in the world do you take me for, a drug dealer?!"

"Uhh..." Tamaki shifted uncomfortably.

Shion chuckled at the expression he was able to coax out of him, he never really got to see Tamaki be uncomfortable with anything. It was something new. "It's a mixture of salt and flower, though mostly salt." An unexpected scenario popped into his head, and he started laughing silently. He had to cover his mouth with his hand to hide it, other arm holding his stomach as he hunched over.

"What are you laughing about?"

Shion waved a hand to dismiss the twins, trying to calm himself down in the meantime. He didn't know why he found it so funny, but he just couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh, it's not nothing if it's got you laughing like this."

"Yeah, tell us!"

"Come oooon~."

"Tell usssss~."

"Oh this is rare, what are you laughing about Shion?" Haruhi came in as the Hitachiin boys were hounding him with unrestrained curiosity—they were circling him like hawks. Shion looked up and felt embarrassed when he came to see that the club members were looking at him attentively. He couldn't hold his blush back as he coughed awkwardly into his hand.

"Oh, um... Well, Suoh here thought that those props were actually drugs."

Haruhi snorted in amusement. She hadn't thought that he was that naive. Even Honey wasn't as naive as Tamaki despite the bubbles and flowers that surrounded his aura at all times.

"You didn't laugh at that though," Honey pointed out.

"No I did not, but what I thought of next did..." Shion held back another wave of laughter just remembering it. "If Suoh wanted drugs, hypothetically," he had to emphasise the hypothetical part because he saw Tamaki almost seethe at the example. "Hypothetically, I imagined him like this. Walking up to some vendor not knowing anything about the business and saying," he got into a rich persona, voice going towards the snooty rich person tone, "I would like one crack cocaine please." Then he did a gruff voice, "Cash or Credit?" Then back to the rich and snooty, he rummaged through his bag and quickly brought out a card. "Gift card."

The twins burst out laughing along with Haruhi who was started cracking up. Mori had a smile quivering on his stoic face while Honey was shaking. Even Kyoya was laughing, covering his mouth with his hand. Chuckling was more like it, but he obviously found that amusing, Shion's sudden changes in character made it all the better. Now the victim...

Oh, the victim...

He was bright red, head to toe, but the weird thing was that he was obviously frustrated, angry even. Though he was shaking too, either from the frustration—Shion and the others knew that he was laughing—or holding back laughter. Shion had to wonder how Tamaki could be showing so many different emotions at one time. He was truly a unique individual—actually everyone in the club was unique.

This club hosts some interesting people.

The thought sent Shion into another wave of laughter.

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