Chapter 8

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Over the past few weeks, Shion had started talking more and more with his classmates—and even though he wasn't that social of a butterfly, he met a few people that stuck with him. He had made a few new friends, two in fact, and they were quite the duo. They reminded him of a few friends from his stay in America. They were similar in their comedic crudeness—and their dirty minds...

There was Satsuki Hijikata, a girl of average height with short and messy dyed blond hair with green eyes. She didn't wear the female uniform, wearing the male one like Haruhi. It suited her better than what those yellow dresses would have. She must have some connections to wear the male uniform—unbeknownst to him, she had quite the hell of a connection. She was loud and cheery, though under that large sloppy grin was something wouldn't want to mess with unless they wanted to get beat down to a pulp. She could be hella violent.

"Hahaha, that was hilarious! Huh? Those are great! Take one now, he's not paying attention."

She was a bit of a delinquent, but that didn't bother Shion he had a bunch of delinquent friends from America. He absently thought that he would have to get in contact with them sometime. Skype most likely.

Then there was Aaron Kagami. He was a rather short individual—in both height and temper. He had hazel eyes with a mole by his left eye, his straight and red hair was parted in the middle of his forehead. It gave him a somewhat nerdy look. It's highly advised that one avoided bringing that up with him, otherwise he would spite the victim so hard. He wouldn't take the violence route like Satsuki would—he would rather play mental games. Other than his revenge issues, he was quite humorous...

"Hey Shion, cheese!"

And also quite eccentric.

"Hmm?" Shion turned his head—unaware of what they've been doing for a while, and thinking back on it, it wasn't a good idea to keep those two unattended—to be face to face with his red-haired friend, Aaron. He had a camera and set it off with a flash. Shion cringed at the bright flash and rubbed his eyes under his glasses. "Aaron... What was that for?" He blinked, now he had those damn floaters and couldn't see his friends face due to the flash.

"Oh yeah, you don't know..." Satsuki mused and Shion waited for her to continue.

"...Don't know what?" Shion pressed, they weren't being very cooperative.

"I'm in the photography club!"

"So you took my picture because...?" Shion waited for a sufficient answer, crossing his arms with an eyebrow rising up in question.

"I just felt like it." Satsuki snorted at Aaron's blunt answer.

Shion sighed, "I'm not very photogenic you know."

"Pfft, like hell you aren't! You just don't like your picture taken." Aaron went through a few pictures in his camera, "In every picture I took of you, you look incredibly nice." He wiggled his eyebrows, "Sexy even."

"When did you even take those?!" Shion hastily grabbed the camera out of Aaron's hands and scrolled through them. One he was concentrating on playing trumpet in the music room and another he was kneeling down to pick up books he had dropped. There was even one from when he was changing for gym class. Shion glowered at the camera. Though he was glad it didn't catch his other eye or scars.

"I just didn't have the flash on, but you aren't very aware of your surroundings are you?"

"I am actually. You're just as stealthy as a ninja." Shion raised an eyebrow before muttering under his breath, "Damn ninja... Now how do I delete these?..."

"Ahaha," Aaron grabbed the camera from Shion's grasp and twirled into a bow, "I thank you for the compliment, my liege." He waved the camera in front of Shion's face, taunting him, "But you'll never catch me." Then he smirked and pranced around the classroom.

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