Chapter 2

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The teacher of their next class was not expecting this when he walked into his classroom. Yes, he was informed of a new student, but he was caught off guard when he walked in to see his boss's son embracing the new student with dramatic tears spilling all over. He was wondering if his cold was making him see things. Did I take the night-time medicine instead of the day-time? I should have just called in sick today, this is too much.

"Suoh-san! I'm giving you a warning," Shion didn't care if he had to hurt him to get him off of him. "Let. Go," he growled lowly, but it turns out that in his babbling, Tamaki didn't hear him.

Which is why he was prone on the floor in pain, arms around his poor stomach that was assaulted by Shion's, quite pointy, elbow.

Kyoya had to give Shion props for not hesitating in stopping Tamaki—he couldn't do something like it because of his standing—but also frowned when Shion didn't move to help him up. He just sat down in his seat and eyed the blond on the floor. Kyoya narrowed his eyes.

When Tamaki recovered, he got off of the floor and dusted off his uniform and saw Kyoya with a dark look in his eyes. "Kyoya, I'm fine," and he truly was, the hit knocked some wind out of him and it hurt initially, but it wasn't damaging.

Shion noticed after returning the favour to Suoh that he was getting some dirty looks. I just hurt one of the popular kids, didn't I? That was a big no-no because that meant he would probably—most likely be confronted later by people that admired him. His thought process halted when a frightening thought came to mind. He's the principal's son... isn't he? They both had the same last name and he could see the similarities between the two. Only one word came to mind.


Well, there was nothing he could do about it now—except apologise. Maybe. He had already purposely chose not to when he ignored the guy on the floor and sat down in his seat so he may not be able to redeem himself.

"Hakuba-kun, would you be able to read the first chapter?"

He blinked owlishly, "Of what, sorry?"

"Macbeth. They didn't give you your textbooks?"


Tamaki put up his hand to speak, "Sensei, we could share for now." Shion was taken aback at the offer. He didn't expect that kind of kindness after what he did.

"That would be great," the teacher smiled, "thank you for offering Suoh-kun. Now, I'd like you to read the first two scenes of act one. Scene one is quite short so it shouldn't be too much of a read."

"In which language Sensei?" Shion asked, "There's both a Japanese and English translation."

"Whichever one you're comfortable with. Though I'd much prefer English—this is an English class after all." The man cracked a smirk when he heard a few groans. There were some students that he would encourage to read in English. "You may turn your seat around to read from Suoh-kun's textbook."

"Here," Tamaki turned the book upside down so Shion could read it, he smiled. "I can read upside down, it's alright."

"Thank you Suoh, and sorry for earlier." Tamaki would have responded, but class was in session and he stopped himself when he heard Shion's loud and clear English voice penetrate through the room. "When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? When the hurlyburly's done, when the battle's lost and won. That will be ere the set of sun."

Shion couldn't help cracking a smile when he turned Tamaki's Macbeth back around to face him. His face was priceless, the surprise on it. It was things like that, that made him like acting—making people react. He loved Shakespeare so much that he had most of his plays memorized, from the setting to the stage queues and the blocking. He'd done a few Macbeth plays in the past with troupes and his school, and he had come to adore Shakespeare. So he didn't even have to have the book open, he just read the lines from memory.

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