Chapter 7

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Hello all, now I know my author's note is usually at the bottom, but I just wanted to say, prepare to laugh! (At least I think what I've written is funny, it differs from person to person.)

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"My name's Akito. Nice to meet you Ootori-kun," he smiled politely as his skin crawled. It felt plain wrong to call Kyoya by such a familiar suffix.

Damn, now if Kyoya looks into that name I'm doomed... Oh well, I'll just be a mystery.

Shion noticed Kyoya frown slightly. Maybe he should have called him by his first name instead. He was bound to make a connection, but the use of the suffix kun probably threw him off. Shion reached into his bag and grabbed his water bottle. His throat was getting sore. He'd been recording some songs the other day too and it didn't recover as well as he thought.

"Akito-san!" Shion's attention moved to Tamaki who bounced back pretty quickly from his teasing and was already back to normal. "I was wondering what Shion's like. To be honest we don't know that much about him."

Shion blinked, ah, this will be odd to answer. How do I even answer this? Well for one, it would be asking to be found out if he told any lies at this point—lest they find out and ask him about this whole thing. "Shion, hmm. Well, for starters he's stubborn."

"I think we got that," one of the twins huffed, he thought it was Kaoru, but wasn't too sure. The rest of them nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly.

"He doesn't appreciate being forced to do things," Once again another thing they've experienced about him, "doesn't open up very easily, likes fooling people, good at lying, he's rather sarcastic and to top it all off he's cunning." Shion smiled—trying to get the feeling of a loving family member across. "But despite all of that, Shion's a kind person at heart." He felt embarrassed to say that about himself, but it was all for the act.

"You forgot unforgiving," Haruhi added in good humour, a laugh coming out as she glanced to Kyoya.

"True, true," Shion barked a laugh. Haruhi knew him well. "When he was just a wee-little one, like this small," he gestured to just around his knee height, "I ate the last pudding from the fridge. I've never met such a passive-aggressive kid." Shion actually remembered an incident like that with his uncle.

As they were talking the clouds started to roll in, before they were just scattered, but now they were darkening the sky. On one end it was nice and sunny, though far off in the distance the clouds brought nothing but grey darkness, they were right in the middle of the two while they stood in the park. Shion looked up to the sky and smelled the air. "It's going to rain." He could also see the blurring by the grey clouds in the distance, so it was technically raining already.


"Just look at the clouds. It's going to pour too." Shion informed as he started to pack up, "You youngsters should get home, there's going to be a storm."

"That looks like a lot to carry, do you need help carrying that?" Hani asked, despite how short he was, he was quite strong.

Smiling down towards the blond, Shion leaned over and ruffled Hani's hair. "I'm good, thanks for the offer though little one."

"Okay, bye Akito-san!" Hani waved cheerily as he ran back towards the retreating figures of his friends. Shion waved back, but someone stayed behind for a moment and Mori looked at Shion as if he knew who he was.

Shion noticed the knowing look in his eyes and rubbed the back of his head with a deep sigh, "Mori..." his visible blue eye narrowed in warning, "Don't tell them. They don't need to know."

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