Character Sheet

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Name: Hakuba Shion (Lastname, Firstname)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 18

Height: 184cm

Appearance: Black curly hair with bangs covering one eye, one eye is light blue and one is light yellow-green. Warm skin tone, has earrings and wears a dog tag, and bracelets. Has black-framed glasses. He has a faint scar on his temple from an accident also has a scar across his collarbone, has a metal plate in it. He's in relatively good shape

Personality: Laid back, humorous, witty, creative, occasionally sarcastic, doesn't care what others think of him, patient, is cautious until warmed up to, somewhat apathetic, unsympathetic, possessive, has a passive temper.

Talent(s): Excels in the arts, drama (acting), music, English, great hand-eye coordination, has no dominant hand (ambidextrous), lying.

Weaknesses: Forgets things that he's not interested in, science, history, cooking, allergic to peanuts, has dizzy spells, art (can't draw for his life, however, he can sculpt), impatient with certain things.

Likes: Cats, music, acting, winter and fall, snow, math, ice cream, salad, exercising (running), wind, rain, thunderstorms, teasing and tricking people, kids,

Dislikes: Dogs, bugs, summer, heat, too hot showers, hot foods (temperature-wise), studying (unless he's interested in the subject), arrogant selfish jerks, stuck up snobs, people who gossip, being sick, birds (seagulls specifically)

Fear(s): Failing, injuring his hands, dogs, boats, flying, damaging his instruments, closed-in spaces (claustrophobia), bees, wasps, hornets, any bug that stings, needles, hospitals, birds, (seagulls mainly).


Mother: Alive, businesswoman, travels for work. Divorced.

Father: Alive—somewhere. Divorced.

Sibling(s): Older sister (24) Works as a photographer(journalism); side job, singer/entertainer.

Grandfather: Deceased, died from illness. Postwar veteran.

Grandmother: Alive, living in Hokkaido Japan.

This is old and not as good as I'd hoped. But I'm keeping it in just because it's the original sheet I made when creating Shion. These facts may not show up in the story, but I think it adds some depth into Shion's character.

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