Chapter 23

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Aha, I surprised even myself with my tenacity to finish this chapter. So thankfully I forced my mused into cooperation after getting stuck on a scene.

When I get stuck on a scene, I like to change my pace—and so I have made a picture that correlates to this instalment.

Thank you for your patience, I hope you enjoy it!

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The patter of rain was soft on the roof of the vehicle, but it was so very loud in the tense silence that was held within the space. Shion sat with crossed legs, eyes lidded as he stared out of the window.


Satsuki immediately shut her mouth when Shion's narrowed eyes moved to her. Shion raised his hand and put a finger to his lips. He was enjoying the silence. It was peaceful—ironically so.

Once they arrived, the driver opened the door and guided them out. Being the last one out, Shion took in his surroundings. Fugaku stood in the centre of the stone walkway and seemed to be giving his daughter an earful. The man's eyes moved past his daughter and to him, widening considerably when they made eye contact.

Keeping the position of the guards in mind, Shion approached, uncaring of the rain slowly soaking through his sweater.

Fugaku looked up at Shion—he didn't remember Shion being taller than him. "Our family owns up to our mistakes." He turned around and started to walk back into the building, hiding his conflicted expression. Stopping in his place, he didn't turn around as he addressed his daughter, "Satsuki."


Fugaku's head quirked at his daughter's attitude. Sighing, he continued on his path, "So be it."

Making sure that her father wasn't actually going to secretly follow them, Satsuki gestured for Shion and Aaron to follow down a path made of rocks through a garden with trees and a pond. Past a wall of bamboo, there was a small traditional building with a few surrounding trees.

"This is my personal dojo." Satsuki walked in and slid the shoji doors open on the other side of the building. The cool, moist air flowed in, and the open wall gave view to a pond with a fountain. "I'm gonna go change."

Shion made his way closer to the pond and watched as the rain disturbed the surface of the water. It was calming, but his anger bubbled deep under the surface. His mind was clear, but his emotions drove him—both anger... and excitement.

"Are you really going through with this?"

Shion hummed, the sound still hoarse from misuse. His eyes rested on the rippling water of the pond. "You can leave if you're inclined to."

Aaron stayed silent for a beat, unsure of what he wanted to say. Taking a breath he steeled himself, "Is this really... necessary?" There was no indication of a response from Shion, but somehow Aaron felt dread pool in his stomach.

A gust of wind rushed through the room as Shion looked over his shoulder. Holding eye contact for a moment, Shion saw the redhead tense under his gaze. "Is anything?" Turning on his heel, he slowly made his way over to Aaron. "Was her disregard of my privacy... necessary?" Another step. "Was your choice not to stop her necessary?"

Thunder rumbled in the distance as the rain came down harder, a mist forming near the ground from the force.

Stopping in front of him, Shion bent down to Aaron's height. Face to face.

A low growl escaped him, "Is my anger necessary?!"

The sound of the door sliding open caused the two to look over and see Satsuki enter. Satsuki straightened the white gi and tightened the black belt around her waist. A few towels were over her shoulder.

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