Chapter 21

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Well, I really had fun writing this one. It is a nice change of pace with this type of story. Action in a not so actiony story, or fluff in an action story. The possibilities are endless!

Thank you guys for being patient with me, I don't get my muse that often, but when I do, man, I can sure write! It just takes me forever to come to a point where I think the chapter is actually good, aha.

Well, enough with me rambling.

Enjoy the story!

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Tamaki hummed and starred at Shion, something was off. He was... different somehow, but Tamaki just couldn't place it. Tamaki knew that he wasn't generally an observant person, but on occasion, he did notice the small things that others didn't see.

This was one of those times. When Shion walked into the classroom in the morning, he had an air around him that made Tamaki abstain from his usual antics, and while he found Shion a bit intimidating, he knew that Shion wasn't a horrible person—or at least from what he's come to know about Shion.

Thunder cracked and he looked over to Kyoya who had his nose in a book the teacher was lecturing about and glanced back to Shion with a frown.

It was a bit hard for him to focus in class as he kept his eye on Shion. Tamaki had planned to talk to him when lunch came around, but before he could do anything, Shion got up from his seat and walked straight to Satsuki and Aaron.

Tilting his head, Shion gestured for the two of them to follow and made his way out of the classroom. Looks of confusion went across both of their faces, but they listened and trailed behind Shion.

Watching them leave, Tamaki leaned over to Kyoya. "Have you noticed how Shion is... different today?"

Raising his eyebrows with a thoughtful frown, Kyoya hummed, licking his finger and turning the page. I'm surprised he noticed. "Yes. He seems to be less approachable today."

"You think he had a bad day?" Tamaki shivered when he recalled the dark look in Shion's eyes. But he didn't look angry... he looked like he was looking forward to something.

"I don't think that's it, Tamaki." But something is going on...

"He's acting somewhat like the delinquent act he used a while ago and it scares me."

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"What's up Shion?" Satsuki asked as she leaned idly against a wall. They followed him to a more secluded part of the school by a stairwell that was seldom used.

"Is this about how Akui and Sunohara have been giving you dirty looks lately?" Aaron commented.

"Woah, that's been happening?" Satsuki was surprised, she usually caught this type of thing, but this time it went right under her nose. "Those two are dicks—used to go after me before I taught them a lesson."

Shion laughed and wondered what she put those unfortunate souls through. He also wondered how his plan would rank in comparison. "Yeah, take a look," Shion handed them the note that was written for him. "They're itching for a fight." And to be honest, I am too. I'm back at the same fitness level I used to be, I'll be able to give them a run for their money.

"You've been looking more fit lately. I've only noticed after the break during Gym," Aaron commented as he read the note. "So, they're asking you to meet behind the school. You want us to do something I assume?"

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