Chapter 22

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Ello there, it's been quite a while, hasn't it? Apologies, but my muse is a fickle thing, especially when I want to write, but end up getting home from work too exhausted to do anything worthwhile. ;A;

Well, I'm back with another chapter at least!

Hope you all will enjoy it!

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Kyoya debated whether or not he should follow Shion out, but decided not to. I think Shion would rather have space right now. His eyes narrowed as he followed the wet trail Shion left behind. He better take a shower when he gets home.

Now, to the topic at hand, Kyoya's eyes glided to the two guilty-looking people in the room.

"What do you have to say for yourselves?"

Satsuki flinched at the tone and looked down, fiddling with her fingers. "Uh... I..."

Kyoya's eyes sharpened and he crossed his arms, frown deeper than it was normally. Lifting his chin, he looked down his nose to Satsuki. "Nothing to say?" Kyoya hummed, unimpressed. "You just betrayed his trust. You already knew that privacy is something very important to him—and yet you still did what you did."

Satsuki wanted to talk. She wanted to, but she couldn't form words. It was all caught in her throat that felt as if it was getting tighter and tighter. Looking up through her bangs, she froze in place like a deer in headlights when she made eye contact with Kyoya.

He was livid.

"I just wanted to know what it was about..." Fiddling with her fingers, she grimaced and looked down, knowing that it wasn't a valid reason for her actions.

This time, Aaron spoke up. He had his bag over his shoulder, ready to leave. "It's partially my fault. I should have stopped you when Shion explicitly said no—but I didn't." He didn't have an excuse either.

Kyoya hummed, hand meeting his chin as his eyes narrowed in scrutiny, "Shion mentioned a spar."

"Ah... yeah," Satsuki coughed nervously and rubbed the back of her head. "I'm a martial artist myself, so when I saw how Shion fought I wanted to have a go, ya know?" Satsuki laughed, but not with humour. "Though now I'm not too sure..."

Her complexion paled as she thought about it, "I'm scared to see how he fights when he's pissed," Satsuki's fists turned white, and she let out a sigh of defeat before steeling herself, "but I feel like this is my only way to forgiveness—or the start of it at least..."

Haruhi snorted, "Forgiveness from Shion? You better think of something more than that spar."

"Ah, yes. I believe I got off rather lightly last time considering his personality," Kyoya's mouth upturned with amusement. Knowing Shion now, he was surprised that he was forgiven.


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Heaving a deep sigh, plastic bags dropped to the floor with a thump as Shion closed and locked the door behind him. Kicking off his shoes with more force than needed, he clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. It wasn't leaving him. Shion didn't usually hold on to this kind of raw anger for long—but it was sticking with him. The feeling hadn't simmered down, and he didn't know what to do with it all.

Unclenching his jaw with a long sigh, Shion ran a hand through his hair, damp and heavy from the rain. He grimaced and rubbed his forehead, the subtle throbbing sensation of a headache coming on.

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