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"Focus!" Emma wacked senju at the back of the head, making the young girl wince in pain at the impact. "Huh? I am.." Senju muttered as she was staring at someone, it no other than nancy hayashi. "Stop staring at her, you pervert" Emma scolded, crossing her arms. "I-I'm not being a pervert, it's just- she's so.." Senju stammered, her face a bright shade of red. "So..what?" Emma smirked, raising a brow.

"Beautiful..even though she's sweating and panting, she's just extremely hot.." Senju blurted out, cupping her cheeks as they became hotter every second that she talked about her. "Wow..that was- Pfft-" Emma laughed, making the white haired girl scoff. "Don't laugh, I can't help it" Senju glanced back at nancy taking a water bottle from her bag. "Even when she's drinking water, she's still so.." Senju stared at nancy drinking water with stars in her eyes. "That's kinda fruity~" Emma chuckled, teasing the girl while her eyes remained on nancy only. "You're such a comedian, ems" Senju retorted in a mocking tone.

"Any plans on asking her out?" Emma asked, nudging her shoulder. "No..nancy's straight" Senju answered with an evident frown. "Says who? She can be bisexual" Emma reasoned out. "She probably doesn't like girls, emma" "There's a chance she does though" "It's a low chance" "It's better than zero, isn't it?" Emma queried, earning a heavy sigh from the white haired girl.

"It is..but still, there's no chance she would go for me" Senju glanced at emma then back to nancy, who was talking with another person on the track team. "You're too negative, think positive, she probably does like you" Emma whispered in senju's ear as both girls look at nancy who waved at them with a smile. "Maybe you're right, maybe you're not.." Senju shrugged, a sad smile plastered on her face whilst emma gave her back a comforting pat.
"Nancy, here" Senju gave nancy a pink face towel as she hesitantly took it from her her gradp."But This Is Yours,Sen" Nancy Tried Giving It Back But Senju Refused "It's Fine,Use It" Senju Reassured "Did I Do Great?" Nancy Asked "Mhm! Me And Emma Watched From The Bleachers,You Were So Cool !" Senju Grinned "More You Staring Into My Soul" Nancy Joked "Eh?? I Wasn't Staring That Much!" Senju's Face Was Bright Red "Yeaaa You Weren't" Nancy Chuckled "Where's Emma By The Way?" Nancy Asked Looking Around "The Guy With The Dragon Tattoo Asked Her On A Date" Senju Replied "Eh? Good For Her,Since Draken Isn't Much Of The Asking Her Out Kind Of Guy" Nancy Smiled

"Do You Think You'll Ever Get A Lover?" Senju Asked "No,I Don't Think So.." Nancy Answered "But You Wouldn't Mind Getting One,Right?" Senju Asked "If It's Someone I Like,Then Nope! I Wouldn't Mind At All" Nancy Replied As Senju Lets Out A Sigh Of Relief "That's Good.." Senju Said As Nancy Raised Her Brow "Oh,You Wouldn't Mind If I Get A Lover?" Nancy Asked "If You're Happy With Them,I Can't Do Anything To Change That" Senju Replied "Don't Worry So Much,Sen" Nancy Smiled "I Don't Think Anyone Would Like Me" Nancy Pinched Senju's Cheek "No,I Think Atleast One Person Would Like You" Senju Said "Oh? How'd You Know?" Nancy Asked "J-Just Guessing" Senju Stammered As Her Cheeks Grew Red "Hmm,Alright Then.." Nancy Paused

"You Wanna Go On A Date This Friday?" Nancy Asked As Senju Tensed Up "HUH WHAT!?" "Go On A Date With Me,Sen" "W-WAIT" "What? You Don't Want To?" Nancy Tilted Her Head To The Side "N-No I Want To-" Senju Stuttered As Nancy Chuckled "Great,I'll Pick You Up At Your House,Okay?" Nancy Smiled "O-Okay!" Senju Stuttered As Nancy Stood Up From The Bench "Let's Go Home Before Dark" Nancy Said As Senju Nodded With A Huge Smile On Her Face 'She Asked Me On A Date,It Must Mean Something!" Senju Thought As She Looked At The Colors In The Sky And Looked Back At Nancy Who Was Walking Beside Her "So Pretty.." Senju Whispered "Hm? Oh! The Colors Are Really Pretty" Nancy Thought Senju Was Talking About The Sky But She Was Wrong "Y-Yea The Sky" Senju Replied 'Such A Dense Idiot'.

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