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"Excuse me?" A group of men stood several feet away from Evie as one called out to her. Evie turned and looked to see a man who had to be a couple of years older than her. "Yes?" she asked. "I said do you need help with that?" He asked with a smirk as he glanced back at his friends. Evie followed his gaze before their eyes met again. "What makes you think I need help?" She asked feigning innocence. He chuckled.

"I assumed you picked up the wrong gun since it's so big for such a little woman." He said. "Little woman—right," She said. She smiled before the instructor called out telling her the set was ready. Evie turned towards the targets picked her gun up and emptied her clip. The man and his friends looked on wide-eyed at the bullet holes that sat in the head and crotch of the paper target.

"Anything else?" She questioned as she picked up an even bigger gun. He turned and headed back to his group of friends. Evie turned to her dad and grandfathers, seeing them smile and laugh. King started clapping as she took a bow.

Giovanni, King, and Michelangelo stood a few feet away as they perfectly watched Evie load her gun again. She began to shoot her new targets with expert-level precision. "She's good," Michelangelo said. "She's always been a natural." Giovanni praised. "And the way she dealt with that man was impressive," King added.

"Nonna wants to have dinner this Sunday since all the grandkids will be home." Giovanni began. "I know," Michelangelo said. King chuckled. "The last family dinner we had ended with a death threat," King said. "It did, didn't it," Michelangelo laughed. "Evie has agreed to go but only if no one brings up her and Que or your welcome home party. Although I think I'm just going to tell Nonna we can't make it and find something else we could do together." Giovanni explained.

King turned to his son-in-law. "Do we—better yet do I need to be worried about Que? From what Claire, Naya, and Nala have told me he seems a bit unstable, especially where Evie's concerned." King asked. Giovanni looked from him to his father. "And you seem to have a habit of letting this boy disrespect you, and more importantly my daughter, and my grandchildren. I've grown to see you as a son and with that comes very low tolerance for people disrespecting you. So, to hear that you've allowed this boy—,"

"He's, my nephew." Giovanni began. "So, I have plenty of nephews who know not to cross me," King said. "It's different," Giovanni said.

"Why, because you killed his dad? Or that his other dad was a snitch who sent your own father and father-in-law to prison? Who almost sent you there as well?" King questioned. "I don't know what type of alliance or debt you feel you owe to this kid, but I want to be clear about one thing. He may be your nephew and your grandson, but that one over there is my granddaughter." He said pointing at Evie.

"The only feelings that matter to me between the two of them are hers, and I'm sure Que has changed, and for his sake, I hope he has because if I hear a word that he's said, done, or even hinted at crossing this family or bothered Evie—," King paused smiling at Evie as he clapped for her once again.

"Grandson or not, nephew or not neither one of you will be able to save him." He said with a big smile on his face before walking over to join his granddaughter.

Giovanni huffed. "He does have a point, Giovanni," Michelangelo said. Giovanni's head whipped to his father. "You and Naya went about this whole Que situation wrong. I know you hold some guilt about what happened with his dad. You two were childhood friends I get it. Then there's the issue that he is Mason's son." He said. "However, I've heard Que's side and I've heard Evie's side. You and Naya but his feelings over your children's." He said. "That was never my intention," Giovanni said.

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