CH8 - The Upside Down [PT1]

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As we pulled up outside of our house, we grabbed everything we needed and got to setting it up inside. We put all of the Christmas lights back in the wires, we nailed the bear trap to the ground and set it up, I loaded up the gun, Jonathan put nails into the bat, and Nancy practiced with the lighter. I grabbed the gas canister, and made the trail to the bear trap to Will's room. The last thing to set up was the yo-yo. When we finished setting up, we needed to make the ''bait'. Jonathan went to the kitchen and grabbed three knives, and handed us both one.

"Remember.." Jonathan started.

Nancy continued, "Straight into Will's room. And-"

"Don't step on the trap." I cut her off.

"Wait for the yo-yo to move." She said.

"Then.." Jonathan said as he lit the lighter. "All right. You ready?" He asked both of us.

"Ready." We both said as we stuck out our right hands. I readied the knife to cut the palm of my hand.

"On three. One.. two.." He looked over to Nancy. "You don't have to do this."

"Jonathan, stop talking." She told him.

"I'm just saying, you don't have to--" He told her as she cut him off.

"Three." She said as we cut the palms of our  hands. We made a blood trail around the living room to attract it. Jonathan grabbed some cloth to wrap our cuts. All of a sudden, there's someone banging on the door. We all flinched.

"Jonathan?" We heard the person speak. It sounded a lot like.. "Are you there, man? Y/n? It's.. it's Steve! Listen, I just want to talk!" He said as he continued banging on the door. Nancy got to the door and creaked it open.

"Steve, listen to me." Nancy started.

"Hey. Nancy, what-"

"You need to leave." Nancy told him.

"I'm not trying to start anything, okay?"

"I don't care about that. You need to leave."

"No, no, no. Listen, I messed up okay?" He pleaded. "I messed.. I messed up. Okay? Really. Please. I just want to make things right. Okay? Please. Please.. Hey, what happened to your hand? Is that blood?" He asked her.

"Nothing. It was an accident." She lied.

"Yeah, what's going on?" He asked her.


"Wait a sec. Did he do this to you?"

"No." She told him.

"Nancy, let me in!" He begged, pushing himself through the door.

"No. No! No, Steve!" She yelled at him as he made it inside. He started looking around at everything.

"What is.. what the.. " Steve continued.

"You need to get out of here." Jonathan told him as he walked over to him.

"Whoa. What is all-"

"Listen to me. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, get out of here!" Jonathan shouted at him.

"What is that smell?" He asked, confused and I grabbed the gun from my pocket. "Is that. Is that gasoline?"

"Steve, get out." I said to him, aiming the gun at him. He looked at me and put his hands up.

"Wait. What? What is going on?" He started yelling.

"You have five seconds to get out of here." I told him.

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