CH4 - Will the Wise [PT1]

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We made it to the school and hopped out of the car to run into the school. We checked the Av Club room, and no one was there. Then, we heard someone yelling for Will. We followed the voice and it was Dustin.

"Mrs. Byers? Y/n?" He asked us.

"What's going on? Where's Will?" She asked Dustin. I looked back at the sound of the entrance doors opening, and it was Lucas.

"The field." He told us as he ran back. We all followed him. We got to where Will was. Mike was beside him, trying to wake him up.

"I just found him like this!" He shouted at us. "I think he's having another episode!" We all ran up to him and Mom kept trying to wake him.

"Sweetie, wake up! It's Mom!" She said to him. "Will! Will, wake up!" All of a sudden, Will wakes up from his trance. He gasped. I walked closer to him and gave him a hug.

"Don't scare me like that again, Will." I told him as I let go. We made our way back to the car. They quickly told me what happened to them. About how Dustin found this creature in his trash, and how it evolved into something bigger, with legs. I said my goodbye to them and Dustin told me to make sure my radio was on incase they needed me. I assured him it was on and said goodbye again as I made my way in the car. As we made it home, Mom questioned Will at the dinner table about what happened.

"I can't remember." He told us.

"I need you to try." She said to him.

"I.. I was on the field and.. and then it.. it just went all blank, and.. then you both were there."

"Will," She started, "I need you to tell me the truth."

"I-I am." She walked away from the table as I sat there. She walked back with the paper she traced over on the video from Halloween.

"This shape, I saw it on the videotape from Halloween night. It's the same shape as.. as your drawing. These episodes that you're having, I think Dr. Owens is wrong. I think they're real. But.. but I can't help you if I don't know what's going on. So, you have to talk to us. Please. No more secrets, okay?" She said to Will as he looked at both of us and nodded. "Okay. Did.. did you see this thing again on the field?" She asked him.


"What is it?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He said with tears in his eyes. "It's almost more like a feeling."

"Like the one you had that night at the arcade?" Mom asked him. I remembered back to that night. He told me he was getting air. He lied to me about it.

"Yes." He responded.

"What does it want?" I asked him.

"I don't know. It came for me, and.. and I tried. I tried to make it go away. But it got me." He told us, crying.

"Well, what does that mean?" She asked him.

"I felt it.. everywhere. Everywhere. I-I still feel it. I just want this to be over." He said as Mom pulled him into a hug.

"It's okay. It's okay. Hey. Listen. Look, look at me." She told him. "We will never, ever let anything bad happen to you ever again. Whatever's going on in you, we're gonna fix it. I promise." I walked over to Will as I joined their group hug.

"Hey Will. No more secrets, okay?" I asked him as Mom let him go from the hug. "Promise?" I said as I held out my pinky. He smiled and pinky-promised me.

"Promise." He told me before he decided to head to bed. Mom walked him to bed. I wasn't that tired yet, so I went to the living room to watch some T.v.


I don't remember when I fell asleep, but I woke up to Jonathan waking me. "C'mon Y/n, time to wake up for school." He told me, shaking me awake.

"No, ten more minutes." I pleaded.

"I already gave you five, so it's time to wake up." I groaned as I sat up and made my way to the bathroom to shower. I got ready as I always did. Mom was staying home with Will for the day. I told them bye and made my way to school on my bike. I made my way to school and like yesterday, It was another uneventful day.

The last bell of the day rang and I walked out to my bike and went home. I arrived, and the front door was wide open. I walked inside, closed the door, and called for Mom. There were these papers of blue roots all over the house. I just walked around, trying to figure out why it was there. She walked over to me and told me everything. That Will drew all of this, that this was the shadow monster was telling him it something, and that it is inside of Will. I just stood there, trying to comprehend what she was telling me, as we heard a knock at the door. Mom walked over and cracked open the door.

"Hey." He greeted her.

"Hey, Mike." She said to him.

"Is Will here?"

"You know what?" She started. "Now is not a really good time."

"Is he okay?" He asked her. Mom looked back to me and walked outside to continue talking to him. I just stood there, trying to figure out what to do. I peeked into Will's room to see him violently coloring more and more. He was sweating like crazy. I tried to get his attention, and couldn't. I grabbed the drawings he had finished, and went out to follow the other ones hung up to find the right spot for this one.

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